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Can we promote more interest in Design & Technology by having more relevant projects.

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2014-06-04编辑:lzm点击率:11049

论文字数:4452论文编号:org201406041610446993语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:Design & Technologycreative subjectsmethods of design设计与科技培养创造力

摘要:This paper will discuss considerations on the way a pupil perceives and processes information, for design in terms of action, reflection and appraisal and for technology in respect to solutions to technological problems through the process of invention.

Can we promote more interest in Design & Technology by having more relevant projects.
To define Design and Technology and what students need to know in Education is complex, and drawing directly on real world practices may provide educators with confidence and guidance in teaching design. This should give clear definitions and descriptions on how design works in practice, thus enabling educators to select which features of these practices can be translated into the encouragement of designer thinking and behaviour in educational contexts. This paper considers the encouragement of interest required to enhance and motivate a higher interest in Design & Technology by having more relevant projects. Where realisation of concepts empowers fantasies, freeing the imaginations from reality into design. Creating the desired from the perceived. Resulting in keeping the process sharp.
This paper will discuss considerations on the way a pupil perceives and processes information, for design in terms of action, reflection and appraisal and for technology in respect to solutions to technological problems through the process of invention.
Evaluation will be made of performance in respect to previous research highlighting the teaching strategies used and the managing of the project.

Above all, the undertaking of the project and the design process involved will set out to be a successful evaluation of teaching / learning experience.

Review of Literature
The work of Denton (1993) discussed the relevance of the design process in schools and whether it has merely a 'stylised ritual', more to do with the production of endless sheets of over decorated artwork with elaborate borders than a design tool. He discusses how the ritual of designing has arisen in education, the origins predating the National Curriculum, around the time when Craft, Design & Technology was introduced into the Curriculum. Furthermore, Denton states that it appears to be centred on an 'incomplete understanding of the process of designing' and the functions of modelling and drawing. The formal design process, as used in industry certainly does flow from initial ideas, research, questionnaires and so on, and Denton is not being overcritical of the design process as such, instead he points to the obvious primary function in design activity being the practical outcome rather than a neat visual presentation of the design activity. Commercial designers have a rough idea of the outcome before they actually start designing and they model a progression of refinements and variations in their ideas. By modelling, Denton makes reference to three types that are useful design tools:
         Drawing: These range from rapid sketches of the design to 'externalise' design ideas to formal rendered pictorial representations of the finished product, complete engineering drawings and exploded diagrams.
         Models: These range from 3D 'lash ups' to demonstrate he principles, give a better idea of proportion and, again, to externalise design ideas. The other end of the scale is the professional presentation scale model that we are familiar with.
         CAD: These can also range from doodles in ProDesktop (or something similar), which enables the designer to get an idea of论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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