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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2014-06-09编辑:lzm点击率:4296

论文字数:1436论文编号:org201406091140395106语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:英国教育系统futrther educationAcademic RouteGCE A-Level大学入学考试

摘要:Everything has its own two sides, no exception with General Certificate of Education Advanced Level. For one thing, General Certificate of Education Advanced Level is the most efficacious way for students in UK to compete and then attend university. Also the country can elect the talents through A-level exams.

Critical discuss on A-Level system in Btitan 

Beginning from the background introduction of history, society, the development of Education in UK to research the causes, a comprehensive analysis will be written to discuss on education system in UK critically from a particular practice, A-Level. A-level which is the abbreviation of General Certificate of Education Advanced Level has already been formally put into service in 1951 by the education ministry of UK. A-Level is supposed to be the key to the universities as entrance examinations for students in UK. In other words, the grades of A-Level, to a large extent, have a great effect on whether students can enter their ideal universities. In the time of knowledge-based, A-Level becomes a hot sport among students as well as some critics. owadays, the increasing number of grade A makes A-Level focus. The high passing rate seems to attract more and more students in UK to choose A-Level courses to achieve their university dream. But the external attitude towards A-Level changes accordingly. his assignment is mainly about the critical discussion on the General Certificate of Education Advanced Level in United Kingdom which currently faces a series of reforms, and to find out how the tendency of UK education system related to the wider international situation and whether it is good or not.

1. Introduction
1.1 Introduction of A-Level
A-Level was put into service in 1951 by the education ministry in UK. A-Level is supposed to be the UK public course system which contains three courses. In Britain, most of the schools refer A-Level as the standard for colleges entrance. But in recent years, a growing number of critics about A-Level occurred. In 2010, the UK education secretary Michael Gove suggest that A-Level should be replaced because he thinks A-Level exams has already lost its fairness and effect. On the contrary, some universities such as Cambridge stick that A-Level needs reform not replacement. That is to say, A-Level needs to be reformed that it can have more choices about courses and it needs to be more multiple and practical. Also the standard of A-Level should be improved.
1.2 Introduction of futrther education
To start with this assignment, let’s have a review on education system in UK.

Since the late 19th century, the education movement of UK begins. This big event did really help change the monopoly of classic education in England. Science tends to be the center of modern education, which, in turn, becomes the social center. (Gao zhiliang, 2010)The success of the movement lies in the priorities given to science and education with proper governmental intervention and manipulation of harmonious relationship between scientific education and classic education. All this helps with the development of scientific education in late 19th century in Britain, which also has an inestimable effect on modern society of UK. (Russell C. Maddox, 1947)

2. The concept of the Academic Route: GCE A-Level
2.1 Academic Route: GCE A-Level
The General Certificate of Education Advanced Level, commonly referred to as an A-Level, is the most important part in the Academic Route of examination system. The General Certificate of Education Advanced Level contains more than one hundred subjects, which is a qualificatio论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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