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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2014-07-16编辑:lgg点击率:4459

论文字数:36500论文编号:org201407151101355477语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



Chapter I Introduction

1.1 Purpose of This Study
According to the new English Curriculum Standard of Compulsory Education, it’sone of the main tasks of training the students’ ability of writing with different commonliterary styles. And in the senior high school entrance examination, English writing is alsoone of the important parts.However, we have to admit that English as Foreign Language (EFL) writing teachingis ignored in lots of junior middle schools most of the time. Teachers find difficult inteaching English writing, while students find difficult in learning how to write in English.Lots of students have difficulties in writing. Having difficulties in writing compositions,students often feel worried and some even lose heart in writing, which affects the quality ofEnglish writing teaching.The current English Curriculum Standard of Compulsory Education clearly statesthat writing should be one of the integrated English ability. English writing is one of theessential factors for successful English learning. Writing is a good way as the feedback ofEnglish learning, which can hardly be replaced by other ways. Writing should run throughthe whole English learning process. However, in the current English teaching classes,especially in junior middle schools, there are very few English writing drillings or Englishwriting lessons for the students. This is why English writing became the shortage of moststudents.In fact, English writing is a hard work for most of the students. One of the mostimportant reasons why students find hard in writing is that they are lack of practice andstrategy of English writing. During the learning procedure, the teacher used to pay attentionto the repeat drillings of the language structure but not the cultivation of languagecompetence, while the students would like to remember things such as vocabulary. Studentsbelieve remembering words can improve their English (Hu Xiaomei).

1.2 Significance of This Study
As we all know, writing is one of the most important skills for the junior middleschool students in learning English. The importance of writing in English has been fullyrecognized for a long time. However, the stress has mainly been put on the resultevaluation. The process of writing is used to be ignored. And schema theory is rarely usedin writing, especially on junior middle school students’ writing teaching.The introduction of schema theory into writing research was a notable advance.Some researchers have been trying to use the schema theory to deal with EFL writers’problem for years. For example, Li Chunlan (2012) has found that the application ofschema theory can enhance college students’ interests in the English writing through herempirical study. But it’s a great pity that we found most of these studies were carried out incolleges, there were few researches about the application of schema theory in the juniormiddle school English writing teaching.So, this empirical study is meaningful in enriching the application of schema theory in the junior middle school English teaching, and it may cultivate an effective way forteaching English writing in junior middle school.

Chapter II Literature Review

2.1 Theoretical Background of Schema Theory
Schema (plural schemata) was first put forward a论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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