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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2014-05-15编辑:lgg点击率:4543

论文字数:36420论文编号:org201405151124152342语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66


摘要:With the popularity of English in China, English now is an effective tool to introduceforeign cultures into China and spread Chinese culture in the world as well. Meanwhile,China English with Chinese characteristics is helpful to spread Chinese civilization,culture,and political and economic development.

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Research Background
With the rapid pace of globalization,English has become the global language orinternational language. It has been increasingly used for intranational and internationalpurposes without participation of its native speakers. According to David Crystal (2001),there are 450 million people living in 57 countries where English is spoken as the firstlanguage; there are 350 million people living in 67 countries where English is spoken asthe second language; while in China, Japan, Russia, Indonesia and Brazil, which have thelargest populations, about 12 to 15 billion people speak English as foreign language to some level of competence. It is widely applied in the fields of business, academics,publication, and politics, scientific journals as well as mass media. English globalizationresults in its localization or nativization. Language is used to express reality, exchangeinformation and spread culture, but different countries have different histories, cultures,traditions, politics, economies and life styles, so when English is used in different countries,it has to borrow some language element and thinking patterns of those countries, andreflects their own characteristics. It makes English more diversified, more inclusive andmore flexible. Many words from other languages have blended into English language. Andit leads to diversification of English. As a result, non-native English varieties developedworldwide and the concept of "World Englishes" has been proposed. China English is byall one of the new varieties in this big English family.

1.2 Research Significance
With the popularity of English in China, English now is an effective tool to introduceforeign cultures into China and spread Chinese culture in the world as well. Meanwhile,China English with Chinese characteristics is helpful to spread Chinese civilization,culture,and political and economic development. China English greatly enriches Englishvocabulary and expressions, which makes contribution to English language. Therefore, agood command of China English helps students improve their cross-culturalcommunicative competence and make transmission of Chinese culture better.For more than 20 years, linguists such as Ge Chuangui (1980), Xie Zhijun(1995),LiWenzhong(1993), Zhang Peicheneg(1995), Luo Yunzhi (1998) have made some studies onChina English from different angles, but their emphases are laid on its definition,pronunciation, and vocabulary. The researches on the internal causes forming the sentencestructure and the discourse structure of China English needs further study. So this thesisattempts to make further research from sociolinguistic point of view and further discussesthe deep relationship between China English and Chinese thinking patterns.

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 English Globalization and Localization
As the economy and trade turn the world into a global village, English as a Linguafranca has been widely accepted. It is no longer a language that belongs to certain countryor nation, but a neutral medium for information exchange. Nowadays English is beinglearned and spoken almost all over the world. Almost 1.5 billon people in the world speakEnglish including 400 million people who speak English as native language, 350 millionpeople who speak it as second language, and论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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