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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2017-04-13编辑:lgg点击率:4857

论文字数:35247论文编号:org201704102040479135语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Research Background
This sentence can not be conceived as active for the books can not sell themselves;it is not passive either for the verb “sell” appears in an active form instead of the passiveform “sold”. Therefore, it is indeed in the “middle”of active voice and passive voice.The mismatch phenomenon between syntactic form and semantic meaning havereceived a fair amount of attention. Middle construction was first noticed, distinguishedand defined by Keyser and Roeper(1984). They gave the description of the features ofmiddle construction. Since then, middle construction has been approached fromdifferent linguistic theories: generative, systemic-functional and cognitive. Scholarsfrom divergent academic backgrounds have tried to probe into the formation mechanicsand identify the middle constructions with features through generative, cognitive,descriptive approaches. It is sufficient to say middle construction is a testing ground forlinguistic theories.Middle construction is also a cross-language phenomenon. The studies covering awide range of languages, such as Dutch middle constructions, French and Germanmiddle constructions. Despite the fact that middle semantics is universal(Lekakou,2002),different languages permit different types of middles in different syntactic ormorphological forms.Chinese varies from English in the verb system, there is no indication on the verbform to decide whether the construction is active or not. That is to say, Chinese lacks aninflectional morpheme denoting middle voice. Therefore, the issue of whether Chinesemiddle construction exists can be addressed through seeking the counterparts of Englishmiddle constructions. Structures marked by the morpheme qilai are most acceptedcounterparts which can be rendered into a corresponding English middleconstructions(Liu,2014).

1.2 Research Objectives and Research Significance
The goal of this study is to first identify the type of V-qilai construction which iscomparable to middle construction and exclude other types through discussing themeaning of qilai. A sentence-type in V-qilai construction having a patient argument NPin the sentence-initial position but lacking explicit passive markers is investigated. Thistype is going to be further divided into sub-types. Another goal of this study is to giveformalized descriptions of each sub-type by means of Information DependencyLanguage Model (IDLM) and Information Dependency Graph(IDG). The syntactic andsemantic features of each type are examined, thus a detailed comparison betweenV-qilai construction and English middle construction is provided.It is acknowledged that middle construction exists across different languages.Compared with other European languages, the issues of middle construction in Chineseis more complicated. The first defining feature of middle construction is that itexpresses passive meaning through a positive form. Chinese is a language with meagermorphological marking and lacks an inflectional morpheme denoting such middle voice.Thus, the semantic criterion is applied to check whether Chinese exhibits any phenomenon on a par with the middle construction. In spite of many scholars’ endeavor,disagreement and inconsistency exist in the literature of middle construction in Chinese.V-qilai construction is most frequently being viewed as realization of middleconstruction in Chinese. The debate thus revolves around the middl论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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