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5000字文学英语毕业论文:A contrast of the symbol of Americans and Chinese culture in the Joy Luck Club

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:本科毕业论文 Thesis登出时间:2013-07-19编辑:tinkle点击率:6748

论文字数:5746论文编号:org201307191014215526语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 55

关键词:Joy Luck ClubAmericans and Chinese culture5000字英语毕业论文

摘要:5000字英语毕业论文:A contrast of the symbol of Americans and Chinese culture in the Joy Luck Club:是关于谭恩美的喜福会的描述,由英语论文网策划,如有类似需求,可以联系qq949925041

论文题目:5000字英语毕业论文:A contrast of the symbol of Americans and Chinese culture in the Joy Luck Club论文语言:英语论文 English
您的学校:云南大学 211工程院校
论文用于:BA Thesis 本科毕业论文

5000字英语毕业论文:A contrast of the symbol of Americans and Chinese culture in the Joy Luck Club


Amy Tan’s representative work, the Joy Luck Club has been well-received by western readers. Among which author’s superb writing skill is an important reason, especially the application of symbolism. The function of symbolism mainly reflects in the symbols of the title and the swan, etc. analyzing this symbolic implication of these symbols can reveals Chinese Americans’ special life experience and mental characteristics, and also the difference between Chinese and American culture, and more deeply understand the subject connotation of this novel. Symbols add a profound implication for this novel, and make this novel more meaningful and thought-provoking. This paper just analyzes 8 symbols to contrast American and Chinese culture, which include The Joy Luck Club, The Swan, Jade Pendant, Chess pieces, Garden, Flower vase, Clothes, and Food. In which Joy Luck Club, Jade Pendant, Chess, Clothes and Food are the unique images of Chinese culture, while do not belong to American culture. While Garden, Flower vase are both seen in China and U.S, just indicate different culture. Through analysis of these symbols, the author aims to discuss the conplex internal emotion and ideas, and then deeply understand the Chinese culture topics. In a short, in the movie there are a lot of symbol used to show the Oriental culture tradition, especially Chinese family life situation. In the film four Chinese mother stick to Chinese culture and education of children to make the audience feel to western culture and eastern culture difference, but to enjoy a feast of the Oriental culture.


Abstract 1
Ⅰ Introduction 3
1.1 Introduction to the Joy Luck Club 3
1.2 Literature Review 3
Ⅱ Research Methodology 4
Ⅲ Contrast of Symbols between American and Chinese Culture 4
3.1 The Joy Luck Club 4
3.2 The Swan 5
3.3 Jade Pendant 6
3.4 Chess pieces 8
3.5 Garden 9
3.6 Flower vase 10
3.7 Clothes 11
3.8 Food 13
Ⅳ Conclusions 14
Works-cited 15

Ⅰ Introduction

1.1 Introduction to the Joy Luck Club
The Joy Luck Club is the first novel by Amy Ruth Tan published in 1989. This book won “American Book Award” and “Bay Area Fiction Critics Award in 1990”. The Joy Luck Club selects the conflicts between immigrant mothers and daughters born in America as the materials based on author’s own experience, expresses the psychological changes of mutual conflicts and mutual concord between two kinds of cultu论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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