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外资银行进入中国银行业的运作效率影响的实证研究:Empirical Study of the Influence of Foreign Bank Entry on the Operational Efficiency in Chinese Banking Sector

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2013-01-15编辑:anne点击率:6102

论文字数:11208论文编号:org201301131148501297语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:$ 132

关键词:foreign banksoperational efficiencypanel data modelChinese banking sector

摘要:This study based on the review of the results of theoretical studies, through the integrated use of economics, finance, industrial organization, econometrics of the principle carried out the qualitative analysis of the impact of foreign bank entry on the Chinese banking sector, described the positive and negative effects.



With China's economic reform and opening up and deepening of financial liberalization, foreign banks to enter China's banking sector continued to accelerate in speed, and developed in depth. In accordance with WTO commitments, December 11, 2006, China has fully opened the banking market to foreign investment, abolished the geographic and client restrictions for foreign banks to conduct RMB business. As of late April 2008, a total of 33 foreign banks registered as locally incorporated banks, 111 foreign bank branches and 235 representative offices of foreign banks in China. Foreign banks non-performing loans were 6.77 billion yuan and the non-performing loans accounted for 1.03% of the total loans ratio (Shen, Lu and Wu, 2009). Foreign bank entry will be the formation of a more serious challenge to China's banking sector, and produced the significant and far-reaching impact on the finance and economy (Gormley, 2010). Therefore, the study of the impact of foreign investment on China's banking sector operational efficiency and to explore coping strategies will have very important theoretical and practical significance to deepen the reform of the banking industry to safeguard the healthy development of the banking industry.

Acknowledgements 2
Abstract 3
List of Tables 5
List of Abbreviation 6
Chapter 1 Introduction 7
1.1 Research background and significance 7
1.2 Research aim and objectives 9
1.3 Research methods 9
1.4 Framework of this dissertation 9
Chapter 2 Literature review 10
2.1 Emergence and development of foreign banks 10
2.1.1 Definition of foreign banks 10
2.1.3 Characteristics of foreign banks in China 10
2.2 Impact of foreign bank entry on the efficiency of host banking system 12
2.2.1 To help the host country improve the efficiency of the banking system 12
2.2.2 Uncertainty to improve the efficiency of the banking system in the host country 12
2.3 Relationship between the host open conditions and the efficiency gains 14
2.4 Impact of foreign bank entry on the stability of the host country banking system or financial security 14
2.5 Summary of research status 15
Chapter 3 Research design 16
3.1 Evaluation index selection of operational efficiency in China's banking sector 16
3.2 Variable selection and data description 17
3.2.1 Variable selection 17
3.2.2 Data description 18
3.3 Establishment of regression equation 19
Chapter 4 Regression results and analysis 21
4.1 Regression analysis of interest income rate 21
4.2 Regression analysis of non-interest income rate 22
4.3 Regression analysis of operating expenses rate 23
4.4 Regression analysis of ROE 24
4.5 Regression analysis of return of net worth 25
4.6 Regression analysis of NPL provision rate 26
4.7 Regression analysis o论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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