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代写高中英语寒假作业-Supplementary materials did a good job- Oxford English 7B

论文作者:英语论文网论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2011-12-30编辑:anterran点击率:3922

论文字数:1241论文编号:org201112301256423949语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:代写高中英语寒假作业Supplementary materialsdid a good job!Oxford English 7B

摘要:代写高中英语寒假作业-Supplementary materials did a good job!-By Liu Zhaohui Pudong Mofan Middle School-Proper use of supplementary materials in English teaching can be very helpful. The following is an example of what I ever did.

代写高中英语寒假作业Supplementary materials did a good job!
By Liu Zhaohui Pudong Mofan Middle School

Proper use of supplementary materials in English teaching can be very helpful. The following is an example of what I ever did.
It’s a reading text from Module 1 Unit 1, Oxford English 7B. The topic is “Shanghai----an interesting city”. There are four small parts in it with three pictures. The passage itself is not very difficult for the students to understand, but it is a little bit long for the students of Grade 7. It’s the first time for them to read such a long text without any dialogues.  I’m afraid the students may feel bored with the reading. As stated by Jeremy Harmer (2006, p122) “A good lesson needs to contain a judicious blend of coherence and variety.” So it is important for teachers to build in changes of activity in a 40-minute class in order to get the students’ continuing involvement. Therefore, I supplemented some materials to help bring variety and interest to the learning process.
I.  Supplementary materials I used: 
I supplemented some beautiful pictures to introduce the new vocabulary, such as shopping paradise, the Maglev, observatory, night views. Of course some phonetic sounds were added to help the students pronounce the words correctly and easily. I also designed a matching task with pictures to have the students practice the language “be famous for” and “be known as”. (The pictures were downloaded from https://image.baidu.com)
Before the students read each part of the passage, I supplemented a video introducing it, such as a video about the People’s Square or about Pudong New District. (I got the videos from https://www.niujin.com.cn/jiaoyu/oxford)
In addition to the supplementary materials mentioned above, I provided a reading material about “Hong Kong” to have the students do jigsaw reading in the free practice stage. (The reading material was from the students’ workbook Page 4)
II. Rationale for the supplementary materials: 
Pictures to present new vocabulary: It’s a very common way to elicit or pre-check vocabulary before leading into a main activity. Using pictures to explain meanings of vocabulary could help the students set up the relation between the English words and the objects, which is good for cultivating the students’ ability to think in English.
Matching activities to practice “be famous for” and “be known as”: This activity is similar to a game. Students will be interested in it. They will also be highly motivated because they want to show some of their geographical knowledge. They will do it in pairs, so every student will be engaged and they can help each other.
Videos before reading:  Watching videos provides both audio and visual practice, which can help students learn English more easily.  It can also help establish a relaxing and cheerful atmosphere. Although most of the students are familiar with some scenes about Shanghai in the video, they will be interested to watch a video about it in English. Of course, it is important to set tasks before they listen and watch. “What is it describing? Where are they?...” Every time we finish watching the video, we will have a communicative activity either in pairs or in open class so that the students will be fully engaged while watching.
Jigsaw reading in the activate stage: A supplementary reading material after the text will surely provide more information for the students. The mater论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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