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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2021-02-03编辑:vicky点击率:4995

论文字数:27855论文编号:org202101171101388394语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:$ 33




Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background

The traditional classroom teaching design stressed “teacher-centered”, and this conceptstill exists. In the situation of exam-oriented education, teachers became the main body of theclassroom and occupies most of the time in the classroom. Most of the teaching in theclassroom only teach surface knowledge to students. Students rarely process the acquiredknowledge deeply, and their thinking ability is not perfect. So, the traditional educationalmethods need to be broken, and the teaching goals should make the long-term development ofstudents be more conducive. The consciousness of learning can make students process whatthey have learned actively, so the initiative of the students is also important. The knowledgeshould be used to solve problems in real life, not just for exams. The learner should learn theknowledge on the basis of understanding and can integrate new knowledge into the originalcognitive structure, then construct their own knowledge system.

According to the requirements of the new curriculum reform, students need to transformtheir learning methods, change the ways of rote learning and accepted learning. It alsorequires students to participate in the learning and to explore actively. Teachers shouldcultivate students’ sense and ability of discovering, analyzing and solving problems. And inthese years, some progress was made. Teachers’ lengthy monologues and indoctrination weregradually being replaced by classroom conversations. Both students’ interest and enthusiasmfor participation have improved qualitatively. (Yang Zizhou, 2016: 33)

Although there are many new teaching methods came in recent years and the students’learning process has changed, there are still some problems. The breadth of possessionknowledge replaced the depth of inquiry knowledge degree. Due to teachers’ incorrectcomprehension and master of the principles and strategies to independent learning,exploratory learning and cooperative learning, many so-called autonomous classes,exploration classes, and collaborative classes just stay on the mechanically use of props, stepsand processes, these models can just achieve the students’ pleasant memory of knowledge.


1.2 Purpose of the Research

The new curriculum reform asks the students to change their learning methods, changethe mechanical way of learning, such as learning by rote or just learning passively. Studentsare asked to join in the class and to explore actively. And the teachers are asked to developstudents’ sense of discovering problems, analyzing problems and solving the problems. Thelearning cases are based on the teaching practice in China. Deep learning as the research focusof learning science field, it pointed that the teaching design should change from emphasizingon knowledge volume to emphasizing on the depth of knowledge. So, it aims at discoveringthe ways that deep learning arises from in the teaching practice, and then the teachers canregard these ways as the guides of teaching design. And the final goal is to develop students’skills of understanding the core concepts deeply. Learning cases can reflect the basic qualitiesof curriculum. But the learning cases s论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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