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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2022-12-22编辑:vicky点击率:790

论文字数:38855论文编号:org202212182104487062语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66




Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background of the Research

Given the rapid advent of technology and the widespread application of Internet and computers, information has been transformed through multimedia using pictures, video, audio and so on. There is a popular belief that students in the information era should learn the use of multimedia tools to express their ideas vividly and clearly. On the other hand, English has become the global language with the process of globalization, which accounts of large significance in senior high school. According to the newest English Curriculum Standards for Senior High School错误!未找到引用源。, five linguistic skills that students are required to master include listening, speaking, reading, writing and observing. The representative ability of English and most difficult part is English writing. Marshall & William错误!未找到引用源。 highlight that writing is thought to be one of the most significant ways for language output, which can’t only represent the ability of learners to deal with and acquire language, but also reflects learner’s level of expression and perception. The latest curriculum standards demand that senior high students are able to describe their own or other people’s experience, elaborate their views and express emotional attitudes in writing错误!未找到引用源。. Moreover, students are anticipated to clarify what things happen, narrate the development of issues, describe the characteristics of certain people or things and summarize the main idea of a text as well as continue to write the rest of a passage. As for the aspect of examination trends in China, the applied writing and continuation writing have been the major writing genre in recent years, which frequently appear on the National College Entrance Examination English paper. The English written expressions are of particular significance for senior high students.


1.2 Purpose of the Research

With guidance of multimodal instruction, this study includes an experimental study on the teaching activities of English writing in senior high school. The students of grade three in a secondary school in Shangrao city, Jiangxi province are recruited as the research objects. The purpose of research is primarily to explore the effect of multimodal writing instruction mode on students’ writing attitude, strategy usage as well as English writing capacity. Additionally, the research aims at investigate the difference of influence on students with distinct English writing levels (poor, intermediate and advanced). Four research instruments: test, questionnaire, interview and teaching reflection are adopted to illustrate these questions. Two tests before and after the teaching experiment are utilized to indicate impact of students’ writing performance and ability; pre-questionnaire and post-questionnaire are employed to see students’ influence on writing attitude and strategies application. Besides, an interview and teaching diary are also conducted in order to understand the reaction and distinct students’ opinion and reaction for multimodal writing instruction mode. 

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Multimodal Learning 

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