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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2022-12-21编辑:vicky点击率:792

论文字数:35622论文编号:org202212182059366799语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 44




Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Research Background

As a skill for language output,English writing plays a vital role in English teachingand learning for the reason that it is an essential measure of students’overall proficiencyand application of English[1].However,writing is an arduous task and how to teach writingis a topic of extensive research.Although a range of approaches to writing instruction havebeen conducted,teaching and learning EFL writing remains one of the most challengingareas for teachers and learners[2].The primary challenge in English writing can beattributed to the influence of nonnative elements[3].For students,given the complexity ofthe linguistic system involved,it is crucial to have a command of the language andunderstand what makes a good writing if they intend to produce high-quality writings.


The Curriculum demands that students write in a cohesive manner.EnglishCurriculum Standards for senior high school(2017 edition,2020 Revision)[4]proposes thatstudents are required to construct logical relationships by appropriate use of cohesivedevices,such as connectives and demonstrative pronouns,and other language devices toimprove the coherence of texts effectively.The Curriculum also establishes consistentrequirements for the scoring standard of English compositions.Writing accounts for one-six of the total points(150)in the college entrance examination.The new curriculumstandard national examination’s composition scoring criteria divides students writing intofive grades.Writing from the third grade to the fifth grade(the top grade)is expected to becohesive.For example,if a composition is to be classified into the third grade(11-15points),the writer should be able to use cohesive devices to make the content coherent andthe structure clear.In other words,students are expected to apply a variety of cohesivedevices if they want their compositions to be at an intermediate level.

1.2 Research Purpose and Significance

While the majority of research into writing focuses on cohesion in undergraduate andgraduate students’writing,few are conducted on the employment of cohesive devices insenior high school students’writing.Based on Halliday and Hasan’s research on cohesionand relevant studies on problems in teaching and learning writing,this study aims toexplore the use of grammatical cohesive devices in senior high school students’Englishcompositions.

The research findings of this thesis are of practical significance for both senior highschool students and English teachers.It expects to raise students’awareness ofgrammatical cohesive devices in the writing process and thereby prepare them for futureEnglish learning.Meanwhile,the study seeks to assist teachers in recognizing whatproblems students encounter in writing in terms of cohesion,which helps to realize theobjective of enhancing students’abilities to conduct logical thinking through writing.

In addition,this study also investigates the grammatical cohesive devices employed inEnglish textbooks.It is due to the fact that textbooks provide a large portion of thelanguage input and practice that students receive in the classroom[11].Textbooks areconsidered as a resource in helping learners achieve the aims and objectives that set forthem while ex论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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