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重要的国际贸易术语 - 如何使充分利用国际贸易术语:The important of Incoterms - How to make full use of Incoterms

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:案例分析 Case Study登出时间:2011-01-24编辑:anterran点击率:4768

论文字数:1241论文编号:org201101240921331672语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:免费论文


关键词:IncotermsHow to make full useIncotermsBusinessCraigdon Mountain Sports

The important of Incoterms - How to make full use of Incoterms
     International buyer/Import Manager

  Craigdon Business Gifts
  Craigdon Mountain Sports
  www.craigdon.com       www.craigdonmountainsports.com

IntroductionInternational Trade
Sale of goods – 90%
Sale of service – 10%
Sale of goods -  Incoterms decides the way contract to be done
 Who is responsible for what 

Where the goods will be delivered

Who arranges transport

Who insures the goods

Who handles customs procedures

Who pays duty and VAT

The parties involve import&export:
(physically move the goods from A to B)

A: shipper/seller AAA  company in India
B: consignee/buyer BBB company in Inverness
C: shipper’s shipping agent(freight forwarder)
D: consignee’s shipping agent(freight forwarder)
E: shipping company (the agent of shipper’s agent in destination/UK), sometimes could act as D.

C prefers CIF type of freight prepaid terms, D likes FOB types of freight collect trade terms.

Generally recommend European and the American buyers who purchase goods from Asia use freight prepaid. (my experience)

As being a UK buyer, I prefer using CIF/CFR.
Sea freight is a lot cheaper than using collect terms FOB etc.
Reduce inland carriage by making full use of Incoterms



Example: ( how to make full use of Incoterms to reduce inland haulage/sea freight)

Trade terms: CIF Glasgow

Shipper: AAA  Chennai India
Consignee: BBB Inverness Scotland UK
Loading port: Chennai
Destination: Inverness
Discharge port: Glasgow
Goods: 5sqm(LCL)
The charge on import side when goods arrive normally includes – (DDP and DDU excluded**)

 - Port charge: terminal handling etc.

 - Custom clearance: VAT + Duty**+ other official charges

 - Inland haulage: (D most likely makes money from this part)


CIF Glasgow vs. CIF Southampton (why CIF Glasgow not CIF Southampton)

 - Sea freight: almost no difference

 - Inland haulage: big different (from port to buyer’s premises)
 Be careful to use small port to be discharge port, risk could involve:

  A. small port no custom clearance facilities

  B. service is not as efficient as big port

  C. shipping company transfers part of cost to Part B. (specially port charge, handle off-     loading/loading more than once)

  D. Not every people works in the industry       understand trade terms

In this case, I encountered C&D.

 Other cost: ignore

 Inland haulage quoted from shipping company was £286 (whichever from S/G)

 Operator explained as: the whole cost from India to Glasgow is: £343, deduct prepaid sea freight £57(which covered from Chennai to Southampton as they said) – This is their tradition way to operate as FOB.

My explanation: I can send my shipping agent to do custom declaration etc if you prefer us doing it in South port. But please send the goods to Glasgow afterwards, because this trade 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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