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论文作者:英语论文网论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2011-07-06编辑:zn1987点击率:5044

论文字数:4143论文编号:org201107061325206512语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:$ 66

关键词:英国留学生国际贸易课程论文InternationalizationLocalization Testing



Internationalizing testing? The title is deliberately chosen—internationalizing 英国留学生国际贸易课程论文 testing. The idea is to internationalize all software testing instead of developing separate testing process and calling it internationalization testing.

Internationalized testing is not the same as localization testing. In internationalized testing, product functionality and usability are the focus. Localization testing is for linguistic relevance and for verification that functionality has not changed as a result of localization.

Does this sound familiar? Some companies avoid internationalization testing and internationalized testing for any number of reasons. Product groups don’t think about internationalization at all. Or they think that internationalization testing is performed by “some other group.” Or they just don’t think international is very important. Many test groups don’t know how to test for international and have no resources to help them learn how.

Admittedly, there is not much information specifically geared to internationalization testing. For example, in researching this article, I found that only the most superficial information is publicly available. So, it’s no wonder people don’t understand the process. Of course, this article can’t cover everything you need to know, but I’ll try to touch on as many areas as possible.

Some companies do have internationalization in place, but often the testing is not adequate to catch enough of the internationalization problems, and it’s frequently done too lateen the quality assurance (QA) cycle for fixes to be integrated into the product.
I hope to remove most of the FUD — Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt — about internationalizing test suites in the course of this article. It seems that a lot of testers don’t think that they can test international specifications and data; they think it’s too “hard” or that it will take a long time to learn. The reality is that if the information is presented in a clear, straightforward way, it is very easy to learn. Once testers have done small amount of internationalized testing, they’ll feel like its regular part of the testing repertoire.

By internationalizing existing tests, including all testers, and eliminating redundant areas, more of the product internationalization can be covered with the same number of people in the same amount of time. I’ll provide some guidance on ways you can get more coverage with the resources you have.

Much of the software testing today is conducted as though US English is a sort of base or core test, and other locale formats and language characters are added functionality. But consider how the product is developed. Properly internationalized products are designed and coded with internationalization in mind. The internationalization in the code is everywhere, not in one or two modules. In fact, for most products it would be impossible to have separate internationalization modules installed alongside existing code to “perform internationalization functions.” The test design is no different. Test plans and suites must be internationalized the same way program design and code are.

English is written in ASCII, and ASCII is direct subset offal major char sets. So no matter which char set you’re testing, you automatically test ASCII. Therefore, testing English (ASCII) alone is a waste of time. The same is tr论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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