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英国旅游管理开题报告The management mode of the hotel industry within the scope of China

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:调研报告 Research Proposal登出时间:2013-08-01编辑:tinkle点击率:4251

论文字数:2489论文编号:org201308011117514745语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:$ 22

关键词:Chinahotel industry英国旅游管理开题报告

摘要:英国旅游管理开题报告The management mode of the hotel industry within the scope of China 中国是一个历史悠久的国家,也是一个庞大的人口数量的多民族国家。

英国旅游管理开题报告The management mode of the hotel industry within the scope of China 

Background to the Study:

China is a country that has a long history and it is also a multi-ethnic country with large number of population. In recent years along with the rapid development of China’s economy people’s living standards improved gradually. Under the promotion of tourism and catering industry the China’s hotel has also formed an industry gradually. As the hotel industry is closely related to other industries, it brings huge impact on the economic activities. A study has been down that the consequence shows that the market orientation is significantly related to the financial performance of the hotels. (Sin, L. Y. et al, 2005) Currently, the composition of the China’s hotel industry is extremely complex which include international chain hotels, local chain hotels and independent hotels. Meanwhile, in order to satisfy the demand of different types of customers, the hotels are divided into business hotel, conference hotel, vacation hotel, sightseeing hotel, motels, economy hotel, chain hotel and numerous others(Zhu Liuliu, 2010). These different types of hotels have different management and operate mode. Although in recent years there is a rapid development of the China’s hotel industry there are still large number of hotels withdraw of the industry since the mismanagement. This research will provide favorable advice to the new entrants and also offer Reference for the norms of the industry at the same time. Thus to make this industry will develop normally and better serve the public.

中国是一个历史悠久的国家,也是一个庞大的人口数量的多民族国家。近年来,随着中国经济的迅速发展人民生活水平逐步提高。旅游业和餐饮业的推动下,中国的酒店也逐渐形成了一个产业。作为酒店行业的其他行业密切相关,它带来的对经济活动产生巨大的影响。研究了下,结果表明,市场定位是酒店的财务绩效显著相关。(罪,L. Y.等人,2005)目前,在中国酒店业的成分极为复杂,包括国际连锁酒店,当地的连锁酒店独立酒店。同时,为了满足不同类型客户的需求,酒店又分为商务酒店,会议酒店,度假酒店,旅游观光酒店,汽车旅馆,艾康尼酒店,酒店连锁和无数人(朱六六,2010)。这些不同类型的酒店有不同的管理和操作模式。虽然近年来有快速的中国酒店业的发展仍有大量撤离酒店业自管理不善。本文的研究将为新加入者提供良好的建议,也为行业的规范,同时。使这个行业的正常发展,更好地为公众服务。

Overall Research Aim:
Research Objectives:
Initial Review of Relevant Literature
Research Methods


Zhu Liuliu, (2010) Different Types of Hotels in China

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Xiao, Q., O’Neill, J. W., & Wang, H. (2008). International hotel development: A study of potential franchisees in China. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 27(3), 325-336.

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Management, 16(7), 424-428.


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