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Hotel Management and Performance Evaluation-酒店管理与绩效评估

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2014-04-10编辑:caribany点击率:9490

论文字数:2789论文编号:org201404081405561071语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文

关键词:Performance Evaluation绩效评估Hotel Management绩效管理Improvements


Hotel Management and Performance Evaluation


Introduction  引言

As chairman and CEO of Loews hotel, Jonathan Tisch wanted to understand the work problems between employees and management. So he came into staff’s work to get the employee's work experience, and found a lack of enterprise management. The lack of the management inspired Tisch to re-thinking human resources management. After making a deep thinking, he put out some important management plans for Loews hotel.

1 Questions in Loews Hotel and Improvements  洛伊斯酒店的问题及改进措施

1.1 Ignored the communication with employees  忽略与员工的沟通

For this enterprise, in the process of management, managers ignored the communication and exchange with employees. Lack of communication led to the management can not really understand the needs of employees, and thus can not solve the problems of them. In business, compared with managers, employees especially workers who did service jobs are the most difficult. For working employees, comfortable working clothes and suitable working tools are very essential. These problems can significantly affect an employee's work efficiency and work attitude though they look very small. More communication with the employees and understand heir needs, is the key to improve business performance.


Managers should fully consider the situation in the course of employment and pay attention to their ideas. Seriously investigate the work of employees have any ideas and suggestions to their leaders. And then pour out of these ideas and proposals to be answered. For the boss, how to meet various requirements of employees will affect the trust for each other. This will be of great benefit to the company's development. For example, a securities company held a branch manager at the workshop, the instructor of the company is the director, sincerely told his right experience, so that branch managers have been deeply moved. In order to enhance the performance of branches, some branch managers working hard. These cases are good, but there is something wrong with the method. Most of the branch managers, give all work to the employees regardless of how the actual situation is. They only want to be sure to improve business performance. To avoid this, managers should not only focus their vision on the company, but to think more of the employees. At this position to the employees for their ideas, managers will found that the employees naturally willing to implement policies in company. Managers need to understand that only take into account its ideas and meet their needs can the employees work for you and really help you.

1.2 Compensation management system is imperfect
Through in-depth work experience, Mr Tisch found that their employees’ enthusiasm is not high. Through analysis, the conclusion is that companies pay management system is imperfect. Reward and pun论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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