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华美达贾维斯伊林酒店文化网络的概念 [3]

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riences, every customer, every time' in the minds of the guests and the general public.

4 Power Structures

Hickson et al (1971) highlighted the links between the focus of power in organisations and the supposed ability of such power - individuals/groups to reduce uncertainty. At Ramada Jarvis Hotels, it is the staff that are perceived as the most important resource without which it is not possible to achieve the desired culture of quality and caring experience for guests cannot be created. In an organisation where the service delivery and satisfaction of guest is the key priority, the function of human resources holds a lot of power. This is because of their crucial role in selecting and retaining staff that are service oriented people who work towards the achievement of the organisations corporate objectives. Each staff member is carefully selected with the help of psychometric tests and structured interviews, all designed to identify people with the right personality who will not only preserve the Ramada Jarvis culture but also who are career focussed and don't look at the job as means to make ends meet.

Power resides in every single employee at Ramada Jarvis. Staff members are actively involved in decision making process and are empowered to make crucial decisions in those moments where initiative taken by a staff member can make or break the impression of a hotel in view of the guests. However, theorists such as Whipp (1993), express criticism regarding the labels used by management for such empowering process. He claims that labels such as ``democratising the work- force'' and ``worker participation'' are means to an end, not an end in themselves, and that it is a form of exploitation by another name.

Although there has not been any tangible evidence to suggest this is the case at Ramada Jarvis, it is evident that the use of such cultural approach has had numerous positive effects such as reduced guest complaints, staff members feeling responsible and trusted consequently leading to reduced staff turnover, good reputation of the organisation and an impression of quality service provided by the team at Ramada Jarvis Hotels.

5 Organisational Structure

In organisations such as hotels, there is a strong reliance on work groups for monitoring their own performance and also to invent new and different ideas to improve service delivery and 'woo' guest expectations. At Ramada Jarvis Hotels, it has been observed that competition amongst different work groups/departments is far more effective to not only improve the work place but also to generate motivation and satisfaction amongst the team inevitably leading to guest satisfaction and return. This works better compared to a structure that heavily relies on hierarchy, position in the hotel, policies and procedures. At Ramada Jarvis, such structures are considered as rather old fashioned and a flatter structure with fewer levels of reporting are preferred across the company. Such a structure has more focus on staff members working together as a team to support each other and constantly develop new ideas and suggestions on how to improve guest experience, provide quality service and increase business efficiency.

6 Control Systems

As the main focus at Ramada Jarvis Hotels is the quality of service provided and to exceed guest expectations, there is a lot of attention paid to t论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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