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代写留学生人力资源硕士论文-中国联想集团人力资源评价之新员工的培训案例研究-Evaluation of Human Resources Training for New Employees--- A Case Study of the Lenovo Group, China

论文作者:留学论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2011-07-04编辑:anterran点击率:10147

论文字数:17110论文编号:org201107041124254068语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:$ 88

关键词:联想现员工培训跨国公司评价代写留学生人力资源硕士论文Human Resources TrainingLenovo Group


代写留学生人力资源硕士论文Evaluation of Human Resources Training for New Employees--- A Case Study of the Lenovo Group, China

It should be noticed that compared with some developed countries, HRM in China is still very young. The study on the HRM of Chinese enterprises appears far from sufficient. China suffers from shortage of skilled and capable human resources, though the population is huge and the labor cost is low. However, with the rapid economic growth of China, Chinese companies are dedicated to chase their western competitors in HRM.

The main aim of this proposed research is to make an evaluation of the programme of human resources training for new employees applied by Lenovo. China and make recommendations for strategies of training for new employees to be used by other Chinese companies. The case study of Lenovo will help to recognize the status and problems in the existing strategies of HR Training for new employees in Chinese companies.

This dissertation targets Lenovo Group, one of the most successful enterprises in China. It focuses on the training for new employees, one of the hot issues in HR. after designing a questionnaire and interview, some data are collected and analyzed, problems of new employee training in lenovo company are found out, then some recommendations are proposed in the end of the dissertation.

Key words:
Human Resources Training
New Employees
Lenovo Group
Globalisation / Multinational companies


1. Introduction

1.1 Aims of the research

As competition becomes more and more severe, enterprises face the challenges how to effectively manage human resources. A number of researchers from different aspects regard it as the focus of HRM. Some emphasize on the theoretical analysis; others are engaged in the practice in the particular field or industry. Employee Training and Development is one of important aspects in human resources management. Mathis and Jackson (2002) indicate that organizations need to keep fresh and dynamic to compete and be flexible to change and that HR training and Development is one of the most effective ways to improve and update the skills and capabilities of employees.

Human being is the core of the organization, which is considered as one of the most valuable resources. It should be noticed that compared with some developed countries, HRM in China is still very young. The study on the HRM of Chinese enterprises appears far from sufficient (McLean, 2006). China suffers from shortage of skilled and capable human resources, though the population is huge and the labor cost is low. However, with the rapid economic growth of China, Chinese companies are dedicated in chasing their western competitors in HRM. Zhu (2005) indicates in his research that more and more Chinese companies begin to realize the important role of HRM and make efforts to put the western HRM theories into practice, under the competitive pressure from the transnational companies and the joint ventures. However, blind adoption of these theories without fully considering the local condition will no doubt do harm to the Chinese companies. Hence, it is very necessary to study the most appropriate method for the HRM in Chinese companies. Considering all of above, this research plans to take Lenovo Group, one of the most successful IT companies of China as its focus.

The history of the company is recorded together with the bi论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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