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英国HRM essay代写-英国先进人力资源管理-British advanced human resource management model is applied in our country the way in this paper

论文作者:英国论文论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2012-04-01编辑:anterran点击率:10448

论文字数:5513论文编号:org201204011446438506语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文

关键词:British advancedhuman resource management modeluniversity of London

摘要:提供英国HRM essay代写((university of London, London, England)-英国先进人力资源管理-British advanced human resource management model is applied in our country the way in this paper

British advanced human resource management model is applied in our country the way in this paper


(university of London, London, England)

Abstract: the world human resources management and the formation of the development trend of advanced explain why the human resource management model and innovation concept is the country long-term stability in the world advanced level in the stable and rapid development of a powerful guarantee. If China can effective reference and application of advanced British human resource management model and innovation experience, can yet be regarded as China's rapid rise, the rapid development of shortcut.

Keywords: British human resources management mode; Incentive mechanism; Allocation of DingGang officials said norm; Can a matching; Staff skill development

From the ninety s, with the world economy globalization process accelerating, faced with the challenge of global integration business world company, in the human resources management, according to the respective national social cultural environment and characteristics, and gradually formed a different method of human resource management and mode. Britain as the representative of the western developed countries, its human resources management has its own time and advanced nature of Chinese human resource management and the talent strategy has the very strong for reference.

A British, human resources management characteristic and mode

(a) global talent strategy and loose the flow of talent policy

British companies to think that, in the current economic globalization background, the government may use policies to limit the international flow of talent. Especially in the European and American countries between, because the basic does not exist the language barrier, talent is easy to because of high salary high return flow between the nations. In Britain itself, for example, every year there are many high-tech talents attracted to flow to the United States, Britain will not deliberately limit, but the execution of policy and freedom. But Britain created a good brain circulation environment and business conditions of British appeal to the local talent back to China.

Britain has talent globalization strategy and pragmatism talent. Britain every year, spending huge sums of money on to attract other countries of high-tech talent, especially in high-tech applications. British think instead of spending a lot of money and time to cultivate a high-tech talent as direct spending money to attract foreign talent or buy these talents created out of high-tech achievements. Because can create scientific research personnel basically once employ, could soon create value. So, Britain imposed globalization of talent, and is not limited to training and the use of their talents. A lot of foreigners in Britain for enterprise, has become one of the British talent market characteristics. In this policy and under the influence of Britain every year from the commonwealth and other European Union countries to attract a lot of talent. In recent years, the rapid development of the information industry Britain to Britain to India and China's talent an open door. Especially in India, because there is no language barriers and India country the rapid development of information industry, now in the famous British silicon valley companies, India employees have very large proportion. These foreign talent in the knowledge and qual论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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