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The Research of International Assignments Based on Knowledge Transfer and Learning Perspective

论文作者:英语毕业论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2012-09-18编辑:anne点击率:7471

论文字数:14086论文编号:org201209181153504951语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:$ 88

关键词:MNCKnowledge TransferOrganizational LearningInternational AssignmentsLeaning of Expatriate

摘要:This article is a discussion of IHRM from the perspective of knowledge transfer and learning.

Executive summary
In the view of knowledge-based view of firm, knowledge is the key of core competence of company. In the age of globalization, the knowledge of the host country is necessary for MNCs to be successful on the host market. The international transfer of human resource in MNCs,including expatriate and inpatriate, are all important ways to gain the knowledge of host country,especially for tacit knowledge.
However, in the studies about the knowledge transfer of MNCs,the focus has been the knowledge transfer on the organizational level,  and there are little researcher has pay attention to the individual level. In this article, the international assignments is been related to the knowledge transfer of MNCs. This study is a study about international assignments form the view of learning. Since the year of 2000, IHRM some researchers have implemented theoretical and practical research. These researches are from various facets and there is an absence of an integrated model of framework. The work of this article analyze HSBC’s expatriates’ knowledge transfer and learning, including the process of the international assignment, the knowledge the expatriates learned and how to transfer and diffuse knowledge, and the HSBC how to receive expatriates’ knowledge. An integrated framework model was built up on the basis of the analysis of this case and the Welch’s employment career of expatriates.

Table of contents
Chapter 1: Introduction 3
1.1 The background of this study 3
1.2 The research objectives and questions 5
1.3 The structure of this dissertation 6
Chapter 2: Literature review 6
2.1 International Assignments and Knowledge Transfer in MNCs 6
2.1.1 Relationships of International Assignments and knowledge transfer 7
2.1.2 Expatriate knowledge acquisition 7
2.1.2 The transfer and diffusion of knowledge 11
2.1.3The factor affecting the expatriates learning 12
2.2 Knowledge Transfer and organizational learning 12
2.2.1 The relationships of knowledge Transfer and organizational learning 13
2.2.2 The factors affecting the knowledge transfer’s effects 14
2.3 The related model 15
2.2.1 Welch’s Expatiation and Career Development model 15
2.2.2 A Model of Effective Repatriation 16
Chapter 3: Methodology 16
3.1 methods 17
3.2 interview design 17
3.3 Sampling 18
3.4 Data collection 20
3.5 possible drawbacks 20
Chapter 4: Analysis of the HSBC’s expatriates management 21
4.1 The organizational learning of the HSBC 21
4.2 The preparation stage of international assignment in HSBC 22
4.2.1 The tasks of international assignment 22
4.2.2 The training before the international assignment 23
4.2.3 The selection of the expatriates 23
4.3 Expatriate learning in China in HSBC 25
4.4 Knowledge transfer in HSBC 28
4.4.1 from subsidiary to headquarters 28
4.4.2 from Subsidiary to Subsidiary 29
4.5 The diffusion and use of Knowledge after the expatriates’ return 29
4.5.1 The knowledge transfer and Organizational value 29
4.5.2 The knowledge diffusion in the entire organization 31
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