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Preparation for employment-就业准备

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:课程作业 Coursework登出时间:2014-04-02编辑:caribany点击率:5741

论文字数:1841论文编号:org201404021531135189语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文

关键词:Preparation for employment就业准备employment opportunities工作机会self-marketing


Preparation for employment


Table of contents  目录

Summary  总结

1.0 Introduction 引言

2.0 Procedures  过程

3.0 Local employment opportunities  本地就业机会

4.0 Qualifications and self-marketing  资格及自我营销

5.0 Communication techniques and Interview skills  沟通技术和面试技巧

6.0 Conclusion  结论

Reference 参考文献

Summary  总结

In this report, three topics related with employment preparation will be explored, these are how to choose the right business which is suitable for job hunters, and how to make self-marketing in order to conform to the qualifications mentioned in the advertisements of the company in the process of searching for a job, and thirdly, some useful communication techniques and interview skills when looking for the job.


1.0 Introduction 引言

Along with the policy of reform and opening-up carried out since the year of 1978, great change took place in Chinese society and also Chinese people. Among all these changes, the way for employment imposes important influence on people’s life. In the background of planning economy, employment is also planned and arranged by the government; almost all the youngsters should obey government’s orders when they step into society and engage in the working positions which have been assigned to them. However, the situation has changed to a great extent for the past 30 years. The setting-up of market economy also creates huge demand and supply of human recourse and labor markets in all over the country, on one hand, people get the freedom to choose the work positions which they are willing and happy to be engaged, and on the another hand, factories and units get the opportunities to enroll the needed staffs in the labor market. The demand and supply of labor forms the human resource price and promotes the development of labor market. Nowadays, graduates from middle school, colleges and university will not wait in the campus for the job arrangement of the government; they go for the labor market and search for the jobs and also their life dreams in the future.


2.0 Procedures 过程
China is one of the countries which hold the most speedy economic growth rate for the past three decades in the world; higher economic growth rate supplies enormous labor demand and also large numbers of job positions in the past 30 years. From the beginning of 21 century, Chinese government adopted new policy to promote the development of higher Education of China, and enlarged the enrollment of university students.

However, rapid economic growth has its utmost limit because the returns of the factors which promote the economic growth, such as capital, labor and land, have their limitations. On the other han论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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