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论文作者:佚名论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-09-23编辑:lisa点击率:8141

论文字数:200论文编号:org200909231514034040语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文


A 类 哈里法克斯考点
Memories of Oct. 27, 2005 IELTS – Academic in Halifax, Nova Scotia, CanadaSpeaking:
(Bizarre enough, but it was the first item tested, making me feel good as it is one of my relatively stronger item. And that change cost me an extra $90 to change my return flight to Montreal):
City you live, I told her Montreal, one of the largest cities in Canada. 
Like it? Sure, because of its diversity in language and cultures and nationalities, and I am starting to like Halifax after spending one day here, as the people are friendly and the city seems to be peaceful. She then asked me if I was willing to move and live in Halifax. I told her “of course, but I would like to spend half a year here in Halifax and six months in Montreal”.
Do you read newspapers? I do everyday, as I subscribe to The Gazette, an English daily in Montreal.
She said she knew about the Gazette, but why I did not subscribe Globe and Mail and National Post. “Because the Gazette covers more local news”.
Do you think the newspapers will disappear? Not really, but the Internet is gaining more and more grounds, and people are starting to get info from the Internet now. 
Was newspaper important in your home country?
Cue Card – The meal you like best, wit whom do you eat, 
Dumpling – how they are made, dough, filling, wrapping, boiling, different tastes.
Further talk, difference in Western and Eastern food;
Chinese have more fibre-rich vegetables, and that is why there are less cases of intestine cancers;
What would you suggest in terms of eating? To have more vegetables that contain lots of fibres.
What is the difference in the markets you buy your food? The Western one, Loblaws or the Atlantic Superstore, and the Oriental ones in Chinatown to buy food imported from China, some fresh and some canned, etc.
1 – 10 Renting a car, cost, features included (taxes, insurance?, mileage), discount as the renter is working for a particular company, when and how to return the car (before Sunday night) and the keys (put in an envelope then insert in a slot), three additional items - a road map, flash light, first-aid  kit;
11 – 20 employment center for vocational training students, when they are open (throughout the year except the New Year’s Day), it is up to you to give registration.
21 – 30 Selecting science programs at university – 5 altogether, biology, forensics?, how they are offered, full-time, part-time or off the campus to people out of the city;
            All the required courses,  scholarship, amount, book allowance, etc.
31 – 40 fossil collection, the definition of fossils, types of fossils, formation of fossils – buried right away, where to buy fossils – at shops or fossil exhibitions, tools needed for fossil collection – tape measure; plaster to protect delicate fossils. 
Passage I – how Bats function at night,  how significant the studies are in bats, 
Passage II – Interpreters and translators in the business field, qualities of interpreters, etc.
Passage III – Pesticides, their side effects, bio-control technologies
(General impression – not as difficult as the 3 passages in the sample booklet).
Task I. Three graphs – one bar chart, one line chart and one pie chart. The bar chart shows the change of number of university students in UK b论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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