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雅思作文7分所需词汇(二) [6]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业指导 assignment guidelines登出时间:2014-05-24编辑:auditjiang点击率:14948

论文字数:5349论文编号:org201405241233129747语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文



15 it will matter/work 会起作用的 
16 do more harm than good 弊大于利
17amount to 攀升
18 to put it another way, 换言之 
19 launch 开始、启动
20 be derived from … 来自于 
21 the impetus/drive of … …的动力 
22make sth possible/make it possible that使… 成为可能 
23 be known as ..以… 而著称 
24 enjoy an unparalleled popularity 无比流行
25 serve … purpose 实现…的目标 
26 have superiority/inferiority to 比 … 优越/比 … 自卑 
27 rely on/rest on 取决于 
28 viewed from this angle 从这个角度看 
29 tap into=understand 
30 result from 由于。。。
31 full-fledged 发达的
32 dimension 方面
33dub 授予… 称号
34foreseeable 可预见的
35 painstaking  痛苦的(艰巨的)painstaking task 
36 far from… 远没有达到

Topic seven:

1 the extent to which ….(在多大程度上)
The phenomenon reveals the extent to which human beings are suffering from the soaring increase of private cars
2 A is to B what C is to D
Water is to fish what air is to human
3 given that /given that importance/seriousness/significance of …..,(考虑到。。。的重要性/严重性/重大意义)
Given the seriousness of the soaring increase of private cars, severe restriction must be imposed
4leavea much to be desired…(远不能令人满意)
What the department is performing leaves much to be desired
5 nothing has received more praise and abuse than ….(没什么能像。。。。。这样毁誉参半)
Nothing has received more praise than abuse than internet
6so + adj+系动词+主语 +that + 句子(太。。。以致于。。。)
So serious is the pollution that government has to take effective steps
7 it is advisable/desirable(可取得)/conceivable/(可想而知)/profitable(有利可图)/as clear as crystal(非常清晰)/manifest(显而易见)/probable/likely(可能的)
It is manifest that space research has wasted a large sum of money
8nothing is further from the truth than this opinion(没有任何一种说法比这种观点更荒唐了)
9do A by either /not only/both doing B or/but also/and doing c)(通过做A 来实现B,)
Pollution can be controlled by either/not only/both restricting the increasing private cars or/but also/and arousing the public’s awareness of protecting environment
10it must be stressed out that...(必须要指出)
It must be stressed out that happiness depends on at least 3 considerations
11 名词,介词+which/whom +句子(非限制定语从句的高分句式,尤其要敢于在从句前加表程度或情感的副词或者介词短语)
Government has taken effective steps, at least three of which will bring benefits to us in a long run
I have a large circle of friends, pitifully several of whom can be dependable.
12 A… hava(has) become an integral part of …B(A已经成为了B中的一部分)
Being considerate has become an integral part of successful management
13 句子+ with a view/with an aim to ( 作什么事情目的是。。。,是替换in order to 的有效句式)
The costly technology was initially introduced into this country with an aim to cure millions of people suffering from the disease
14as is generally believed,…(众所周知。。。。)
As is generally believed, the air of cities has become unbreathable
15A… provide the initiative and incentive to do sth  A 带来了积极性和热情
The worsening situation provides the initiative and incentive to make great ef论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。


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