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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2012-11-26编辑:hynh1021点击率:5565

论文字数:21200论文编号:org201211241818533098语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66





Chapter One Introduction引言


l.lResearch Background研究背景
The role of first language transfer or cross-linguistic influence (CLl) in secondlanguage acquisition has been a field of extensive research in the past few decades. (Ellis,1994; www.51lunwen.org Gad and Selinker, 1994; Kellerman, 1995; Larsen-Freeman and Long, 1991; Odlin,1989; Selinker,1992). Transfer is a traditional term from psychology of learning whichmeans imposition of previously learned patterns onto a new learning situation. Erroneousperformance in L2 ascribed to certain constraints existing in the native language can be thesimplest example of negative transfer. Currently, most of the domestic research on languagetransfer still remains contrastive analysis of Chinese Putonghua and English. But there arevarious Chinese dialects in China, therefore, the phonetic system of Chinese dialectsinevitably influence or even obstruct the English pronunciation the students learn in theirdialectal surroundings from very young.It is well noticed that there are plenty of studies writing about the influence of dialectson the acquisition of English speech sounds, which are from the segmental point such asphonemes, while some are from the supersegmental such as tones, stress, syllable, etc. Theseresearches respectively touch upon Shanghai dialect (Wu Hongbin, 2002); Gansu dialect(Yang Dexiang, 2003); Linxi dialect (Zhang Xiaohua, 2007); Shandong dialect (Sui Hua,2009 Shenyang dialect (Liu Xizhe, 2010), and little about the influence of Xi'an dialect overthe acquisition of English speech sounds, so this paper attempts to fill up this blankness.


1.2 Significance and Objects of the Research研究目的和意义
The significance of this study lies in:1) Studies on the negative transfer of Xi'an dialect over the acquisition of Englishsounds are few till now, this study will present English pronunciation errors of Xi'anstudents. This study is trying to makes some contributions for this blankness;2) The results of the research will help Xi'an students to know their problems in theacquisition of English sounds, so as it is useful to avoid the negative transfer of theirdialect;3) This paper is of significances and necessity since it is try to make a comparativelyclear analysis about Xi'an dialect and English speech sounds and which will helpEnglish teachers in this area to facilitate teaching and learning process.The objectives of this paper will be stated in the following:a) The phonetic system characteristics of Xi'an dialect and English;b) The differences of English phonemes and Xi'an dialect sounds;c) How the Xi'an dialect influences on the acquisition of English speech sounds;d) Suggestions to avoid the negative transfer.


1.3 Research Theory研究理论
In this paper, transfer theory will be used to analyze the negative transfer of Xi'andialect over the acquisition of English sounds. Transfer is a traditional term from psychologyof learning which means imposition of previously learned patterns onto a new learningsituation. In second language acquisition, the knowledge of the native language (LI) inacquisition of foreign language (L2) can indeed have a facilitation or inhabitation effect onthe learner's progress in mast论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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