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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2016-01-10编辑:lgg点击率:4499

论文字数:38569论文编号:org201601081154565779语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



Chapter 1 Literature Review

1.1 Translation Strategies of Domestication and Foreignization
Translation is the process of exchange and transformation between two differentlanguages. In the aspect of cross-cultural communication, cultural exchange is the mainfunction of translation. Translation is the medium of cultural transformation and thecultural reappearance. People with different thinking patterns have differentunderstandings on translated text. To solve the disputes of different cultures, twodifferent methods appear in translation area. They are domestication and foreignization.In fact, before the emergence of these two different concepts, there are two conceptswhich have been used for hundreds of years. On balance, they are free translation andliteral translation respectively. The central controversy that many scholars argue forhundreds of years is which method is more suitable in translation.After Lawrence Venudi presents his foreignization theory, domestication andforeignization replaced free translation and literal translation as the main methods intranslation. In deed, domestication and foreignization emphasize on solving the culturalproblems and minimizing cultural differences in translation. But free translation andliteral translation pay more attentions to linguist form of translation.In fact, not all translations involve cultural differences. If there is meaningdiscrepancy in cultural level, the strategy of domestication and foreignization can bediscussed and analyzed first. In title translation of TV games, there are many factorswhich affect the translation, such as the business motives, cultural differences and storyrequirements. Those influencing factors in title translation of TV games will be discussedin this dissertation. And it will combine those factors with translation strategy to solve theproblems of title translation of TV games.

1.2 Studies on the Translation Strategies in China and Abroad
Eugene A. Nida is the most famous scholar in domestication area. He points out that“dynamic equivalence translation aims to achieve natural translation of the original textto connect the behaviors in original context to be relevant within the context of his ownculture” (Nida, 1964:23). He thinks that one language can be reconstructed in anotherlanguage form. People can live in another different cultural environment andcommunicate the meaning of their original language by offering equivalent words andexpressions in the target language. This point of view of Nida evolved into his functionequivalence theory and his idea of closest natural equivalence. He considered that therelationship between target reader and target text information should be almost the sameas the relationship between original reader and original text information, or in otherwords the two pairs should be of closest natural equivalence. Or many people think thetarget reader in the target environment should have the same response or feeling as theoriginal reader of the original environment. Even though Nida has never advocated thathis translation theory belongs to domestication category, most people regard him as themost famous scholar of domestication.His contribution is that he transfers the focus into the comparison between twotranslated processes and takes every linguistic unit and cultural factors involved thereception of information rather than difference between source language and targe论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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