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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2017-08-21编辑:lgg点击率:5601

论文字数:38429论文编号:org201708162114141201语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66


摘要:本文是英语语言学论文,本研究以理论为基础,以实证为支撑。本论文的理论框架是基于关联理论和顺应理论所构建的关联-顺应模式(R-A Model);分析采用定量和定性相结合的方法。

Chapter 1 Introduction 

This  chapter  first  of  all  outlines  the  major  content  for  conducting  the  current study. It begins with the research background which also serves as the departure point of  this study  from  which  it  identifies the blind-spot  leading  to  my research questions. Based on the description of the research background and justifications for the research questions,  it  discusses  the  significance  of  this  study.  Finally  it  highlights  the significance and value of this study before briefing the layout of this thesis

1.1 Background of the Study 
According  to  the  Statistical  Report  on  Internet  Development  in  China  (2016), with  the development of  national economy and the rapid popularization of Internet  in China, the  number of Internet  users  in C hina  has researched  over 688  million,  up to 39.51  million  over  the  previous  year.  This  data  informs  that  the  network,  as  an integrated part of us has profoundly changed our lives. Within such a backdrop, many business  people  take  the  advantage  of  the  network  platform  to  spread  information efficiently and  widely to advertise their products and stimulate the purchase desire of consumers.  Therefore,  cyber  advertising  comes  into  being,  which  not  only  quickly catches  the  public  attention,  but  also  sell  the  goods  by  meeting  the  various psychological appeals of consumers. It is well aware that language plays a critical role during the course of advertising regardless of the forms it is taken. D.Ogilvy holds that “advertising is the salesmanship of language” (1950:2). That is  to  say  “language  plays  a  significant  role  in  information  processing  and  memory storage”  (Xiamen, 2003:35).  Many empirical  studies  have  indicated  that among the numerous  factors that can affect  the  fate of  memory traces,  language accounts  for 65 percent (Leech, 1966; Barrett; 1997; Sun Xiaoling, 2009; Yang Yonghe, 2001). That’s enough to state the importance of advertising language. Advertising language is a kind of  non  face-to-face  linguistic  communication  used  to  communicate  between advertisers and consumers as a result of  modern technology. In recent  years, with the development of economy,  the  luxury opens  the door  to C hina's  market and  accounts for  almost  over  one-quarter  of  global  luxury  spending,  which  makes  C hina  become the biggest  luxury consumer  in  the  world. In order  to  minimize the  investment  in  all over  the  world  to  promote  products,  cyber  advertising  undoubtedly  is  the  mo论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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