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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2017-08-31编辑:lgg点击率:5650

论文字数:36258论文编号:org201708271839098890语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



Chapter1 Introduction 

1.1 Hamlet and its Chinese Translation  
William  Shakespeare(1564~1616)was  an  English  eminent  poet  and  playwright  in renaissance period, widely regarded as one of the greatest writers and preeminent dramatists in the world. In the past year, it was Shakespeare’s 400th anniversary. Over 150 countries have taken part in “Shakespeare Lives” activity sponsored by British Council and GREAT Britain campaign throughout the year. In the activity, readers can appreciate Shakespeare’s plays via theater, films, exhibition, and book club as well as other resources. The aim is to help people rediscover and commemorate Shakespeare’s great contribution to literature in the world and reflect themselves through his works. In Shakespeare’s plays, he wrote the famous tragedy  Hamlet  during  1599-1602.  About  Hamlet,  as  Hamlet’s  uncle,  Claudius  murdered Hamlet’s father and usurped the throne. Furthermore, to Hamlet’s surprise, Claudius married Hamlet’s mother Gertrude in a short time after Hamlet’s father’s death. All these provoked Hamlet’s discontent and eventually he made a big decision to revenge on his uncle. With its witty language and elaborated plot, the play appeals a large amount of scholars to conducting the research on the play.      As we  all known,  Hamlet,  with revenge plot and its skillful language has attracted  a large amount of excellent scholars to study it from various perspectives. Until now, there are about  twelve  different  Chinese  translation  versions.  The  first  Chinese  translation  version, named  Ha  Meng  Lei  Te,  was  completed  in  1921  by  Tian  Han.  Although  the  translation version has been criticized for literal translation, it ushered a new stage of the translation of Shakespeare’s  play-Hamlet.  After  that,  it  comes  out  some  famous  translators  as  Zhu Shenghao,  Liang  Shiqiu,  Cao  Weifeng  and  Bian  Zhilin.  They  take  different  translation methods and research perspectives to contribute to the research of the translation of Hamlet. Based  on  these  researches,  later  generations  of  scholars  have  made  use  of  them  to  give detailed  and  further  interpretations  via  various  methods  and  theories.

1.2 Research Background 
Shakespeare’s  plays  are  looked  as  the  treasure  of  world  literature.  There  are innumerable  and  excellent  scholars  devoting  themselves  to  the  research  of  Shakespeare’s plays from several perspectives. There is no doubt that “Hamlet”, as one of representative works  of  Shakespeare’s  famous  tragedies,  has  attracted  great  attention  home  and  abroad. Since  1940s,  Chinese  scholars  have  been  researching  the  play  through  an  introduction  of Hamlet f论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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