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To What Extent does Studying Aboard Affect Chinese Students

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2014-06-11编辑:lzm点击率:6194

论文字数:1812论文编号:org201406111921408682语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:Studying Aboard AffectChinese Students中国留学生出国留学further education

摘要:In despite of there are many issues which may influence their study, most of Chinese students still show the big enthusiasm on it, as a result of this experience is uncommon and rare in people’s life. To sum up, the Chinese student should go abroad for further education if they have opportunity, as a result it will be a memorable experience and good for their development in the future.

To What Extent does Studying Aboard Affect Chinese Students

1.0 Executive Summary
With the globalization and the social development, China has the rapid development in every aspect but still belongs to developing country. Nowadays, more and more Chinese parents would like to send their child to go abroad for doing further education. Although there are many advantages on that, there still have some potential issues which need to be considered, as a result of the different environment and cultures. Due to this phenomenon has already became a popular trend in China now, this paper will investigate if the Chinese students should go abroad for further study.


2.0 Introduction
In recent years, more and more Chinese students would like to go abroad for doing the further education after graduated from the high school or before finding a job. Based on the huge population of China, the CCTV has reported that the number of Chinese students which studied abroad had already exceeded 1,211,000 in 2007 (Xiuqin, 2010). As we known, not every student can do further education in foreign countries at any time; as a result of there has many conditions and limitations to control the number.

Everything has two sides, including sending Chinese students doing further study abroad. General speaking, it must have many advantages on it, because of this experience can help them learn new languages and foreign cultures, and learn some advances theories and technologies from the developed countries. On the other side, studying abroad might face the problems of independent and high expenditures on the tuition fee and living expenses for Chinese family.

The objective of this report is to identify if the Chinese students should go abroad for further education. The aim of this paper is to point out some benefits and limitations about studying abroad, which can show some recommendations to Chinese students.


3.0 Methodology
This report will be conducted by questionnaire which is primary research to 50 Chinese students for getting the actual attitudes and their own opinions about going abroad to do further education. The survey provides the open ended responses for additional comments, and the respondents of the questionnaire will be chosen from the Chinese current students by random. In addition, the questionnaire is voluntary and anonymous.

About the questions of the questionnaire, it will be divided into three parts. The Appendix 1 has shown the questionnaire. On the one side, the questions is designed to get some opinions about the characteristics about studying abroad for Chinese students. On the other side, the questionnaire is also used to find the actual thoughts and feelings about the difficult points on it, which related to the disadvantages. According to the results of respondents, it will get the if the benefits over disadvantages for indicating if Chinese students should go abroad for further study.


4.0 Results
According to the answers of 50 respondents, there are 58 percent Chinese students aged below 25, while the ages of the rest are over 25 years old.

Table 1: The Different Reasons for Studying Abroad

The table 1 has shown the numbers about the diffe论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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