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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2016-12-29编辑:cinq点击率:4202

论文字数:2000论文编号:org201612290922154619语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:免费论文




Since no two businesses are same, many different types of loyalty program exist in the retail industry. It is different from one business to another and even same business can have more than one type of loyalty programs. Below is the list of some famous loyalty programs.

Use a simple points system 使用一个简单的点系统


This is the most commonly and basic methodology of loyalty program, which fits into any kind of business. Theearned points of customers translate into some reward which can be a freebie, a discount or customer treatment. Customers, to redeem their earned reward, will always move towards a certain amount of points. There are many companies which falter in this method but making the relationship between tangible rewards and earned points can be complex and confusing. For example: 14 points equals 1 dollar, and with 20 dollars one can earn 50% off in next purchase after some month. This is not rewarding but rather a headache to the customer. If one opt for a points-based loyalty program, one should keep the conversions intuitive and simple. Bolco is one example of a company which uses loyality program based on points. To make it convinient for their audience, they measure points in dollars, the reward for which is given in terms of food items. Customers can very well swipe their stylishBoloco cardat every purchase; the card automatically tracks the money spent. The program is such that, with expenditure of every $50, the customer earns a free item. It is of no relevance whether the customer choose a burger or an chocolate pie – it is free after $50. This cites an example of a company which is simplifying points by accessible reward system for customers. The most common loyality program but it is not applicable everywhere. It is most appropriate for certain businesses that favours short-term and regular purchases.

Use of Tier System to Reward Initial Loyalty 使用层系统奖励初始忠诚

In case of designing loyality programs, The major challenge for most companies to to find a balance between attainable and desirable rewards. One of the ways to combat this so as to implement tiered system. The idea is to offer small rewards initially to be the part of the program as a base offering, then increase the rewards’ value as the customer climbs up the loyalty ladder, so as to foster repeat customers. This will help solve the problem of members forgetting about their points. Few customers are the victim of forgetfulness and they never redeem them because of a long time span between purchase & gratification.

Virgin Airlines’Flying Clubinducts members at the Club Red tier, then divides them into Club Silver and Club Gold. On one side, members of Club Red earn points on flights and they use the discounts on rental cars, hotels; members of Club Silver earn more 50% miles on flights, or expedited check in, or priority stand by seating. Other than this, members of Club Gold gets boarding on a priority basis, double miles, even they can use exclusive clubhouses where they get premium services like free drink or massage service while waiting for their flight. The idea over here is to provide benefits during the start itself so as to hook customers for repeat 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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