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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2016-01-10编辑:carrie2点击率:7776

论文字数:2385论文编号:org201601031832017841语种:英语 English地区:英格兰价格:免费论文



Analysis of the Pakistan oil industry



不管怎样,不少烟草公司在巴基斯坦经营,但在2009是巴基斯坦烟草公司仍然继续领先于同行业。尽管他们之间的激烈竞争但这两家公司以合作的策略来保护自己的品牌,并以很低的价格走私进入巴基斯坦。政府目前还没有采取任何行动来结束这一非法贸易,也不希望他们在预测期间会做更多的非法交易。[ 1 ]

2009 saw a slight decrease in legal volume sales of cigarettes in Pakistan. This was due to increases in taxation by the government as well as increased pressure from anti-smoking agencies and groups. Decrease in consumption was also due to increase in prices and illicit trade that claimed a great portion of demand for legal cigarettes. As unit prices rose, due to the taxation changes, lowest-income consumers switched to smuggled brands with lower prices.

Regardless of a number of companies operational in Tobacco in Pakistan, the Pakistan Tobacco Co Ltd continued to lead in 2009. It was followed closely by Lakson Tobacco Co Ltd. Notwithstanding strong competition between them, these two companies cooperated with tactics to guard their volume shares from illicitly traded supplies of their brands that were smuggled into Pakistan at cheaper prices. The government has currently not taken any action to bring to an end this illicit trade, nor is it expected that they would do much during the forecast period. [1]



Tobacco is the basic raw material for cigarette industry. At the time of independence quite a few types of tobacco having commercial importance were produced in the country except Virginia Tobacco, a type of tobacco used in the making of cigarettes. In the year 1948 plantation of Virginia tobacco started in the country and gradually reached its peak of production by producing 80 million pound crop of Virginia tobacco and Pakistan became the fifth largest producer of all types of tobacco in the world with the total production of 249 million pounds in 1972. Currently the country produces sufficient quantity of tobacco to meet the domestic requirement with surplus for export. Out of the total, 60 per cent is consumed by cigarette manufacturing industry and export manufactured form and the rest 40 per cent for commercial purposes. Khyber Pakhtun Khua is the main growing area for Virginia tobacco.


Its origin in the Indo-Pak Sub-continent could be traced back to 16th century when Akbar the Great, was holding the regions Mogul Empire. Ever since, it has been consumed in different forms, originally as a preservant, then as a medicine and now in the form of smoke through hubble-bubble, cigarettes, cigars and snuff. Despite all the constraints and restraints tobacco still remains a 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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