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英国商务管理毕业论文SWOT analysis in NIKE

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:本科毕业论文 Thesis登出时间:2013-08-07编辑:tinkle点击率:4483

论文字数:1938论文编号:org201308061737293164语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:$ 55


摘要:英国商务管理毕业论文SWOT analysis in NIKE :耐克公司一直将鼓励在世界的每一个运动员和提供最好的产品为光荣的任务

论文题目:英国商务管理毕业论文SWOT analysis in NIKE 
论文语言:英语论文 English
论文用于:BA Dissertation 本科毕业论文
毕业论文 题目自选。。。商务管理类的。

英国商务管理毕业论文SWOT analysis in NIKE 

1.0 Introduction and aims

Nike always will encourage every athlete in the world and to offer the best products as glorious task. Nike is the language of the movement. Over the past thirty years, the company has always been committed to create for everyone the opportunity to show themselves. Nike knows, only using advanced technology to produce the best products. So long, Nike Company invested a lot of manpower, material development and the development of new products for your IP address will be recorded in history. Nike's first air cushion technology brings a revolution to the field of sports. Using the technology to create a sneaker can well protect the athlete's body, especially the ankle and knee, prevent in movement or violent sprain, reduce the impact on the knees and wear. Sports shoes with air cushion technology once launched on the popular.(Hill Kumar, N. 2004)Both of the ordinary consumer and professional athletes like Nike very much. By using the SWOT theory to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the Nike brand, it is faced with opportunities and challenges and threats, in order to give the relevant theoretical analysis principle, to let more people understand the strategic choice of Nike Company. This paper analyzes the Nike Company, introduced emphatically the Nike company culture idea, starting point of product design advertising and its production advantage, also lists the risk of product structure, price and disadvantages it diversifies started late in the. Of course, economic globalization also brings the opportunities and threats.

耐克公司一直将鼓励在世界的每一个运动员和提供最好的产品为光荣的任务。耐克是运动的语言。在过去的三十年中,公司始终致力于为每一个人创造展现自我的机会。耐克深知,只有运用先进的技术才能生产出最好的产品。这么长的时间,耐克公司投入了大量的人力,材料的发展和新产品开发,您的IP地址将被载入史册。耐克的第一气垫技术在体育领域带来了一场革命。利用该技术制造出的运动鞋可以很好地保护运动员的身体,尤其是脚踝和膝关节,防止在剧烈运动时扭伤,减少对膝盖的冲击和磨损。气垫技术一经推出就广受欢迎的运动鞋。(山库马尔,N 2004)的普通消费者,如耐克非常专业的运动员。运用SWOT理论分析的优点和缺点,耐克品牌,它所面临的机遇与挑战和威胁,为了给相关理论分析的原理,让更多的人了解耐克公司的战略选择。本文着重介绍了耐克公司,耐克公司的文化理念,从产品设计广告及其生产优势点,还列出了产品结构的风险,价格和缺点它多样化的开始了。当然,经济全球化带来的机会和威胁。

2.0 Methodology
3.0 Brief Literature Review
4.0 Data and access


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2.Blythe, J. (2003) Marketing Strategy, McGraw Hill
3.Brennan, R., Baines, P. & Garneau, P. (2003) Contemporary Strategic Marketing. New York: Palgrave Macmillan
4.Cravens, D. (2000) Strategic Marketing. 6th ed. Boston: McGraw Hill
5.Cravens, D. & Piercy, N. (2006) Strategic Marketing. 8thed. Boston: McGraw
6.Hill Kumar, N. (2004) Marketing as strategy. Boston: Harvard business school press
7. Kerin, R. & Peterson, R. (1993) Strategic Marketing Problem: Cases and Comments. 6thed. Allyn & Bacon
8. Lambin, J. (2000) Market-Driven Management – Strategic and Operational Marketing, Londo: Macmillan
9. Murray, J. & O’Driscoll, A. (1996) Strategy and www.51lunwen.org/mba/ process in marketing. London: Prentice Hall
10. Rosenthal, D. & Brown, L. (2000) Cases in Strategic Marketing. Prentice Hall
11. Wilson, R. & Gillingan, C. (1997)论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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