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论企业管理计划和战略规划过程研究ERP process [3]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2015-06-24编辑:felicia点击率:37173

论文字数:17230论文编号:org201505252254329312语种:英语 English地区:加拿大价格:免费论文


摘要:这是一篇enterprise resources planning类留学生论文,通过简要叙述企业执行计划和战略规划,探讨了企业管理计划的重要性。

ely implemented, it is significant to realise what is essential for thriving the implementation of ERP.

Thus, this paper proposes to examine the Critical success factors (CSFs) in implementation of ERP, in alignment to consider the important of the CSFs, and how it sways the outcomes of the implementation of the system. Analysis of exact demonstrations was selected to enquire two case studies that are vital to comprehending what constitutes a thriving ERP implementation and the failure of another, ie,

(1) What essential elements facilitate or impede the thriving implementation of ERP projects? And

(2) What remedies can be taken to convey problem ERP project under control?

Two criteria were taken to choose sites for case studies:

• Sites should use the ERP application from the identical vendor.

• Sites should have a distinct experience to achieve the ERP implementation.

1.3 Methodology

This research method is chosen, because the case studies are useful for studying a present-day observable fact in a real world context and creating and refining theory. CSFs are identified, first through literature review then examines two case study of ERP implementation in a large international organization through analytical lens of its critical success factors includes corporate strategic planning, IT strategic planning, change management, project management and execution. This will be achieved through a combination of literature review and case study methodology grounded in listed variables that could act as business drivers for companies considering ERP implementation and the critical success factors for success or failure of ERP implementation.

The use of case studies as the research method permits better observation and exploration of the sample companies in alignment to get high value facts and information from first-hand. Two cases will be described, one of the other Australian company from Hong Kong to make cross-comparisons. Both from the same group of a German based chemical industry enterprise. Both cases implemented ERP application, one failed and succeeded was investigated in order to evaluate the essential Critical success factors (CSFs) that are required for the ERP project implementation. Research methodology is a blend of quantitative and qualitative methods, based on questionnaire issue to, and informal discussions with key stakeholders in both projects.

1.4 Project Outline

This paper comprises of theoretical and empirical parts described in five sessions. The theoretical part covers two sessions. Session one describes the project background, objectives, research method and structure of the project. Session two wrappings literature review starts with introduction on ERP system encompassing academic delineations of ERP, major characteristics and advantages of ERP. In supplement, the various stages of ERP implementation will be discussed in details, and ERP taxonomy will furthermore be explained. ERP implementation success definition and measurement, common issues will be discussed. The last topic for literature review studies previous research论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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