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Citizen Photojournalism Development

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2010-01-19编辑:fic点击率:3449

论文字数:10887论文编号:org201001192214573171语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:$ 132

关键词:computer technologyalternative waysCitizen photojournalismpublic discoursesmedia technologiesIndia citizen journalism

Table of Contents
Title Page 
With the advancement of computer technology, our society has more alternative ways to share news information. Citizen photojournalism is such an effective way for people to participate the share of information. This is an important phenomenon that is generated by the innovation of Media technologies. The development of citizen photojournalism, as has been accepted by the society as one of the major means for the public to share their own opinions about the social and cultural life of a nation, is considered to be one important and necessary complementary part of the traditional media form. It reflects the eagerness for people to be fully integrated in the cultural life in the modern age. In this sense, the idea of citizen photojournalism aims broadly at enhancing the sensitivity of the mass media to the needs and problems of ordinary citizens. It aims for a society without distorted public discourses.

This article aims to explore the reasons and the ways for people to contribute citizen photojournalism in the IT age. To achieve this aim, the framework of innovation theory has been extended to study the technology and culture that have influenced this new type of news production. The findings show that the emergence of citizen photojournalism resulted from the development of media technologies as well as the brokerage activities among journalists, labor and progressive intellectuals. Despite different cultural visions and structural interests, these groups succeeded in building coalitions and constituted a socio-cultural milieu which promoted reciprocal learning by allowing the general public to realize new ideas and to exchange experiences.

Keywords: Technical innovation, citizen photojournalism, social movement, social network, democratization, India citizen journalism
Chapter One - Introduction and Background 
1.1 Background Knowledge 
1.1.1 .................. 
1.1.2 Birth of Blogs 
1.1.3 Main Characteristics of Citizen Photojournalism 
1.2 .....................
1.3 Structure and Approach 
Chapter Two - Literature Review 
2.1 Introduction 
2.2 ......................... 
Chapter Three – Methodology 
3.1 Introduction 
3.2 Methodologies and Theories 
3.2.1 Definition of is citizen photojournalism 
3.3 Research Design 
3.4 Methods of Collecting and Analyzing Data 
3.5 Research Hypothesis 27
Chapter Four - Empirical Analysis 
4.1 Introduction 
4.2 ....................
4.2.1 An Indian Media scenario 
4.2.2 The beginning of Citizen photojournalism in India 
4.2.3 ..........................
4.2.4 Sakal, a case study 
4.2.5 Social leadership 
4.3 ................... 
Chapter Five - Conclusion 

论文用途:本科毕业论文 Bachelor Degree


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