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dissertation sample

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2010-04-03编辑:steelbeezxp点击率:7274

论文字数:13869论文编号:org201004032154249587语种:英语 English地区:新西兰价格:免费论文

关键词:dissertation sample

dissertation sample


1  introduction
   1.1  Phenomenon described
   1.2  Advertisement and News
   1.3  From Fashion Consumption to Celebrity Effects
   1.4  Media and Audiences

2  The social and cultural significance in Celebrity Effects and Fashion Consumption
   2.1  Thorstein Veblen: Conspicuous Consumption
        2.1.1  An active role
        2.1.2  A negative effect
   2.2  The meaning of Celebrity Effect on consumer society
        2.2.1  The existence and influence
         2.2.2  Advertisements and celebrity effect
   2.3  Jean Baudrillard: Symbolic Consumption
         2.3.1  Characteristics of Symbolic Consumption
         2.3.2  The significance
   2.4  Culture Consumption
         2.4.1  History and meaning of cultural consumption
         2.4.2  Cultural consumption is a national source of the realization of the spirit of happiness
         2.4.3  The realization of cultural consumption is to choose the path of Gross National Happiness 代写Dissertation

3  Culture Consumption in China
   3.1  Problems
   3.2  Development Strategies of China's cultural consumption

4  Audience research: Reception analysis
   4.1  Communication of traditional
   4.2  Reception theory
5  Fashion and lifestyle
6  Conclusion
7  Refference

1 introduction

1.1 Phenomenon described

Media in China has undergone an innovative and immense development, boosting all kinds of available accesses for audience to reach. Despite newspaper and TV channels, audience can get whatever they want on the extentionless Internet. Surrounded by various kinds of resources of media and news which contain different purposes, audience’s consumption styles nowadays have been deeply affected and hugely differed from that in the past.

Through reporting celebrities’ lives and what they use, media constructs an atmosphere of aesthetics and audience’s fantasy for the high-level life. At the same time, receiving the messages on the media, the audience 代写Dissertation performs their own life style on the basis of individual experience or viewpoints on fashion and celebrities’ lives. Consequently, with the assistance of all kinds of media, news combining with the target of celebrities often promotes upsurges that can’t be easily oppressed and forms on-changing phenomena of news consumption.News about brands endorsed by celebrities easily attracts audience’s quick doubts that they are actually commercials rather than news reports. From the literature review, through the penetration of media reports, the power represented by the celebrities is pervasive and profound. And this kind of news reports can easily blur and confound audience’s knowledge and awareness of average news from other ones concerni论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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