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China identity media and China media politics:"Outbreak of avian flu"

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2011-03-18编辑:anterran点击率:7540

论文字数:25066论文编号:org201103180923427678语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:$ 66

关键词:China identity mediaChina internetChina media politicsOutbreak of avian flu

Table of Contents
Page No.

1a The Independent’s first report on the “Outbreak of avian flu……………………...1
was confirmed in Suffolk”
代写留学生论文1b Daily Mail’s first report on the “Outbreak of avian flu was………………………3
      confirmed in Suffolk”
1c The Sun’s first report on the “Outbreak of avian flu was………………………....5
confirmed in Suffolk”
2a The Indepentent’s second news report after the “Outbreak of……………………..6
avian flu was confirmed in Suffolk”
2b Daily Mail’s second news report after the “Outbreak of…………………………...8
avian flu was confirmed in Suffolk”
2c The Sun’s second news report after the “Outbreak of…………………………….10
avian flu was confirmed in Suffolk”
3a Event II – Bird Fu Might Have Entered Food Chain:……………………………12
  The Independent’s report on “Bird Fu Might Have
Entered Food Chain”
3b Event II – Bird Fu Might Have Entered Food Chain:……………………………14
  Daily Mail’s report on “Bird Fu Might Have
Entered Food Chain”
3c Event II – Bird Fu Might Have Entered Food Chain:……………………………17
  The Sun’s report on “Bird Fu Might Have
Entered Food Chain”
4 Coding Result of the “Eight Themes”………………………………………………19
5 Headlines of The Three Newspapers – The Independent,…………………………20
Daily Mail and The Sun
6a Coding Result of the News Sources and Actors – Phase I………………………24
6b Coding Result of the News Sources and Actors – Phase II……………………...25
7a Coding Result of Attitudes of Different Publics towards the……………………..26
  The Outbreak of Avian Flu in Suffolk: Phase I
7b Coding Result of Attitudes of Different Publics towards the……………………..27
  The Outbreak of Avian Flu in Suffolk: Phase II
8a News Release from DEFRA (2 February 2007)……………………………………28
8b News Release (i) from DEFRA (3 February 2007)………………………………..30
8c News Release (ii) from DEFRA (3 February 2007)……………………………….33
8d News Release (ii) from DEFRA (8 February 2007)……………………………….35

Table of Contents
Page No.

9a Press Release from Science Media Centre (2 February 2007)……………………37
9b Press Release (i) from Science Media Centre (3 February 2007)………………..38
9c Press Release (ii) from Science Media Centre (3 February 2007)……………….40
9d Press Release (ii) from Science Media Centre (4 February 2007)……………….42
9e Press Release (ii) from Science Media Centre (10 February 2007)……………...44
9f Press Release (ii) from Science Media Centre (13 February 2007)……………...46


Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Preface
Avian influenza (flu) viruses (or bird flu) at the moment remains a disease of birds. However, the great fear among the human population is that the avian flu, particularly the H5N1 virus, will evolve into an infection that is contagious between human beings, which could cause a worldwide flu pandemic (Revill 2005, p.15). Due to the uncertainty of the virus and the unpredictability of cause and time of outbreak, any outbreak of avian flu virus can hits the headlines and results in creating anxiety in the society. The media’s role in informing and educating the members of the society on issues relating to this health hazard is of great importance.

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