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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2015-11-20编辑:dou1901点击率:7493

论文字数:3266论文编号:org201511171345359502语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:免费论文



Politics Essay-总统权力的滥用丑闻

The Abuse Of Presidential Power In Scandals

一个总统的成功,特点是在他任期时做出的成就。然而,这也可能会被那些不能有益于我们民族的行为,像丑闻和贪污留下伤痕。一个总统能够分成一个成功者或一个失败者,或者是圣人或罪人中的一个。多年以来,美国对于两种类型有它们的平均负担。这里有过很多的总统可以称为是一个圣人,像亚伯拉罕 林肯,乔治 华盛顿。另一方面,这里有过很多的总统可以称为是一个罪人,像尤利西斯S格兰特,理查德尼克松。


A presidents success is marked by the accomplishments he makes while serving his term however it can be scarred by acts that dont benefit our nation such as scandals and corruption. A president can be categorized as a successor or a failure, or either a Saint or a Sinner. Over the years, the United States has had its equal share of both types. There have been many presidents that one may refer to as a Saint such as Abraham Lincoln and George Washington (Bailey 1981). On the other hand, there have been many presidents that one may refer to as a Sinner such as Ulysses S. Grant or Richard Nixon.

Presidential power is an important concept. The dominance of presidential power is an even more important concept. A president should not and could not have more power of Congress. If a president is superior over congress then the United States would be a monarch taking orders from one man (Woodward and Bernstein 2005). This all starts with presidential scandals and could lead to a much bigger thing. This blaze of presidential scandal has to be stopped at its core, starting with the president, before it blossoms into a wildfire. The United States recognizes that he decision that the president makes represents the nation and the president must stand behind every decision he makes rather it may be a good one or a bad one. Everyone has their own opinion on if the president is making the right choice or not but the president makes the decision he feels best would serve a nation.

Presidential power has always been an interesting topic to review. People may feel that the president have the right to do anything he wants but this is not the case. The president has to answer to someone in every decision he makes and that someone is congress. I feel that scandals are an interesting topic because they showcase the abuse of presidential power. A president may try to gain an edge or become superior by being involved in a scandal. Presidential scandals also threaten the trust that people have in their nation. The dominance of presidential power has to be recognized so our society won't become a monarch (Woodward and Bernstein 2005). Congress is dominant over the president so the House is the only party able to judge the president as fit or unfit to lead. One scandal that stands out in the United States is the Watergate scandal which everyone should know about. To me this was the case that hard the most significance on our nation.

2.文献综述-II: Literature Review

Presidential Classifications:

An interesting novel to read is Presidential Saints and Sinners. While reading this book one would come across all of the United States presidents. The novel grades the United States presidents labeling them a saint or a sinner depending on their term. A classification论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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