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论文作者:英语论文论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2016-03-20编辑:cari2点击率:6665

论文字数:2780论文编号:org201603171048341228语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:免费论文

关键词:Verbal Communication口头交流语音聊天语音交流distant communication




关键词:VOIPUML,客户端 - 服务器的工作,软件工程



1. Abstract 摘要

Verbal Communication is one of the most important forms of communication in the world with real world situation. With it one can interpret many things in message from tone of voice, pitch and content. Voice chat is a tool with which one can communicate with friends and member and can communicate fastly and easily .The means of communicating with voice chat has led to a significant increase in distant communication where two or more people from opposite end of the world. This paper describes a research based case study of voice chat. Best practice Software Engineering methodologies are used to specify and design of voice chat box (voice over IP system) [1, 2]. The methodologies utilise are the Unified Modelling Language (UML), and the project specification explored their combined use [2].

The voice Chat (VOIP) system implemented Called ‘Network2012’, will allow user to communicate via voice, as well as several other already existing features with under construction web application www.network2012.net [1].

Index Terms- VOIP, UML, Client-server working, Software Engineering,

2. Introduction 引言

2.1 What Voice chat is?

Voice chat (known as PC to PC call+ Instant Message) is one of two telephony capabilities that are debuting in the same time IM client. The other is click-to-call (also called click-to-dial), which allows a user to instantly create a telephone conference with one user. In both cases, a user invites other user in a chat window or on the buddy list to join a call, and the invitee is given the opportunity to either join or decline. A user who chooses to join is connected to the call. If voice chat is used to initiate the call then user communicate using own computer's microphone and speakers [5].
3. Underlying Principle 基本原则

There is a large number of voice chat and IM users. According to ‘skype.com’ and ‘skype.net’ concurrent graph of Skype user shows , there are total 42,153,766 ‘Real Users’ registered to only ‘Skype Voice chat tool’ [8]. A common issue with a client to client communication is the network and the client – level firewall that block incoming connection to random ports [9]. While a client to client connection session to the negotiate client to client UDP VOIP link. Most probably firewall obstruct voice connection with ro论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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