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1.1 Company Overview

FFY is a small supermarket chain with three branch shops which are separately in Warrington, Widnes and St Helens, in the northwest of England. This company was set up in 1979 and the founder is Mr. Richards. The advantages of the company are good care and loyal staff. Now the company wants to extend its business for opening a new shop. However, some problems exist, high turnover, lots of complains. Although Mr. Richards employs three trainees to change this situation, there is little improvement. And now the most important issues the company faces are training improvement and opportunities development within the organization.       

1.2 Management Development Definition

Management development has been used widely in the organization. It refers to the process in which managers and potential managers could create and enhance their competences (Alan, 1984). Management development is usually designed as a planned process, which is focusing on a long-term development program to improve the managerial effectiveness; it also includes other informal or unplanned items, for instance learning from daily experience (Mumford, 1994). 

The development of senior staffs which are in manager level is quite important for FFY. FFY should provide opportunities through activities with formal or informal format for their individual staffs to develop their cognitively understanding of management and their behaviourally managerial skills and competences.  

1.3 Purpose of Management Development

The purpose of management development may be many and varied basing on the organization’s situation and the problems that they face. The purpose of management development for FFY is as following: 

a) Through management development to execute an organizational change and its ‘culture’ change;

b) Change the organization structure and employees attitudes towards work;

c) Increase senior staff training and communication;

d) Provide more promotion activities for good performance staffs and reduce turnover;

e) Employee some seasoned trainees in the same industry to train staffs; 

f) Improve service quality, cut cost and increase profitability for FFY.


5 Forces Analysis


Bargaining Power of Customers: Since the price of the car is set by the manufactures with complicated calculation, the bargaining power of customers is low.

Threat of New Entrants: Automobile industry has high difficult for entry. It is because of the producing difficulty and the consumers’ brand awareness.

Threat of Substitute Products: For convenience, even other transport tools being the substitute, consumers would rather have their own products.

Bargaining Power of Suppliers: The suppliers for the steels and other raw materials have strong bargaining power for their size. But it influences little because that they are serving the whole world with similar price.

Competitive Rivalry within an Industry: This is the most challenging part论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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