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新西兰经济学作业:广告供应需求的价格弹性 [6]

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2014-08-21编辑:yangcheng点击率:13228

论文字数:3060论文编号:org201408201019167745语种:英语 English地区:新西兰价格:免费论文


摘要:本文是一篇奥克兰大学经济学作业。假如你是Rick's 披萨店的老板,你正在考虑提高百分之十的价格,而你想知道消费者会做出反应,提高以后你的店铺收入将会发生什么?答案取决于消费者将如何回应。他们会减少购买的量有多少,很少或很多?(罗伯特·Schenk,2007)。

loor set above the equilibrium price the market has some side effects. Consumers now find they must pay higher prices for the same product. The result, they reduce their purchases or drop out of the market completely.


Meanwhile, vendors are sure to find a new higher price before they were charged. As a result, they increase production. Taken together, these effects mean there is now an excess supply (known as a surplus) of the product in the market.


To maintain the price floor over the long term, the government may need to take action to remove it.


Minimum wage


A historical and current example of the floor price is the minimum wage law, the law specifies the lowest wages a company can pay an employee (employees are suppliers of labor and company as a consumer ).


When the minimum wage is set higher than the equilibrium market price for unskilled labor, unemployment is created because many people are looking for jobs than there are jobs available.


A minimum wage above the equilibrium wage will cause employers hired fewer workers as well as causing more people to enter the labor market, resulting in a surplus in the amount of labor available. Workers a wage equilibrium will depend on the employee's skills with market conditions. (Robert 2006, p262)


For example: This is common in agriculture. Often the government wants to maintain high prices of agricultural commodities to keep a large number of farmers working. To limit redundancy, however, governments often must pay some farmers not to plant crops, which may be known as a subsidy check.


Maximum Price (Price ceiling):


A price ceiling set below the market price of freedom is more effective. Providers find they can not be responsible for what they were. As a result, some suppliers drop out of the market. This reduced supply. Meanwhile, consumers find they can now buy products for less, so demand increases. Two causes of action exceed the supply demand, which causes a lack of distribution-unless the consumer or other controls are enforced. It can also lead to other forms of non price competition to supply can meet demand. (Jackson, John, 2007, p83)


Reduced Quality


To supply demand in lawful rates, the most obvious approach is lower cost. However, in most cases, lower costs mean lower quality. During World War II, for example, the food operation by reducing the size of the ceiling and used cheaper materials (e.g., fat论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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