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新西兰经济学作业:广告供应需求的价格弹性 [7]

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2014-08-21编辑:yangcheng点击率:13230

论文字数:3060论文编号:org201408201019167745语种:英语 English地区:新西兰价格:免费论文


摘要:本文是一篇奥克兰大学经济学作业。假如你是Rick's 披萨店的老板,你正在考虑提高百分之十的价格,而你想知道消费者会做出反应,提高以后你的店铺收入将会发生什么?答案取决于消费者将如何回应。他们会减少购买的量有多少,很少或很多?(罗伯特·Schenk,2007)。

, flour, etc.). It can also be seen in the maintenance of reduction of rent-controlled apartment


Some scholars, however, suspect that one set price ceilings drive quality down in case of a monopoly. They argue that with few competing companies lower the ceiling, a company's low-end market must find ways to achieve better quality without increasing cost.


Black Market


Goods purchased illegally take one of two rates:


They may be cheaper than the legal market. Suppliers do not have to pay for production costs or taxes. This is usually the case in the underground economy. Criminals to steal goods and sell them under the legal market price, but no receipts, guarantees, and so on .


They may be more expensive than legal market prices. This product is difficult to obtain or produce, dangerous to handle or not easily available legally, if at all. If goods are illegal, such as certain drugs, their prices can be vastly higher production costs.


Black markets can form part of the commercial border near the border of neighboring jurisdictions border control with little or negligible if there are different tax rates, or in cases where goods are measures on one side of the border but not on others. Products like these are often smuggled, including alcohol and tobacco. However, all border trade is not illegal. (Jackson, John, 2007, p84)




As we know, each country’s population is increasing. In Viet Nam, the annual population increase of about 1,1 million people. While land resources are limited. Therefore, the demand of real estate market is increasing and people need to find a comfortable accommodation, modern infrastructure and peaceful living environment. This is main reason to effect of real estate Market in Viet Nam. Typical is the key issue of real estate market in Ho Chi Minh city and we are going to find out the reasons.


Price Expectation and Destabilizing speculation


The reasons stated on the description of the real estate should be investors expect the price is always increasing in the future so they want to wait the best price and best profit. This is the reason to make of the fever in real estate from 2007 to 2009.


What cause “ Fever”


There are three basic cause leading fever in real estate market.