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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2013-09-13编辑:yangcheng点击率:4651

论文字数:1044论文编号:org201309122241421195语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文




Exaggerated, many college students are not realistic is the current thinking and behavior performance. We show a loss, lack of power struggle , learn a little knowledge of death that does not work, many students do not pay attention to everyday learning and improve the overall quality , stand in the fierce competition requires profound knowledge of the time , the performance of students should not fight .


Each university graduates must first recognize that they have an appropriate self- positioning , objective evaluation of their own , to understand what they can and can not do , and secondly to understand the current severe employment situation , while establishing a long-term occupation of social awareness and consciousness in the process of job search and career , both for their proper evaluation , but also on long-term social awareness and judgment, and thus accurate positioning coordinates of their career , design their career interests and personal interests of national combine his own ideal and reality combine to form an open concept great career .


Can be solved from four aspects , 1 advantage of their expertise : There are 20.19% of graduates should be the first consideration when choosing a career professional learning as much as possible according to his point of seeking professional career to be professional characteristics and job requirements match with each other , play professional advantage, taking into account also the overall quality and capacity , only emphasizes professional counterparts , but also make graduates in the fierce competition to lose a lot of opportunities . (2) to the grassroots and rural : At present, China's large and medium cities, major organs and institutions to provide employment opportunities for increasing saturation in the case , if the combination of rural graduates actual situation, the use of professional learning , dedication to youth and wisdom , will current tight employment situation open up a new world. 3 after first career start in employment : Currently graduates in the career choice is breaking step, single-mindedness of the old concept of employment , allocation of human resources in a market economy is characterized by a flow of talent , graduates do not have to rush in a short time inside to find a fixed " iron rice bowl" , to establish occupational mobility and progressive ideas , and learn to identify opportunities in the flow , seize the opportunity , seize the opportunity . 4 . Promote their own businesses : independent entrepreneurship is by taking it alone , partnership , etc. founder of the company , or other enterprises, engaged in technology development , technology services and other business activities to create jobs , and shall receive remuneration of employment . Their own businesses with creativity and vitality to provide employment and postgraduate students beyond " the road of innovation ."

In the survey , I found that 9.8 perce论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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