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留学生论文代写:项目网络和净现值法:Project networks and the net present value approach

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2011-04-18编辑:anterran点击率:4358

论文字数:2768论文编号:org201104181022482996语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:$ 66

关键词:Project networksthe net present valueapproach留学生论文代写项目网络净现值法

Project networks and the net present value approach


 Table of content
1. Title 2
2. Purpose 2
3. The focus and difficulty 5
4. Methods 6
5. Conclusions 13
6. Outline 13
7. Timetable 14
8. Reference 14


1. Title
Project networks and the net present value approach
2. Purpose
In the 1950s United States researchers firstly used network technology, 代写留学生论文in the 1960s Professor Hua introduced the technology over to China. The network technology has been rapidly applied to project management and other fields. Network optimization technology is a high-level network planning, and also it is an important part of research fields in project management.

American scholars pioneered the use of network planning, network planning technique quickly applied to project management and other fields (Wang, 2002a). Network planning optimization is a high-level network planning technology application; project management is an important element of research fields, in which the net present value maximization problem in recent years has become a hot network planning optimization (Wang, 2002b).

Optimization of network plan has four main areas:
Fixed duration - Resource balance
With limited resources - the shortest duration of the problem
Duration - cost trade-off issues as well as the net present value maximization problem.

The net present value maximization problem is characterized by a discrete decision variable for this feature; this paper adopts the use of the following methods:

1. Algorithm selection: using the Particle Swarm Optimization with Discrete Variables. Particle swarm algorithm is a new class of intelligent bionic optimization algorithm developed in recent years with iterative equation, fast convergence, global search ability, and good portability (Cheng, 1999).

2. Algorithm: the activity-sequence variable, the variable pay, as well as the progress of the implementation of activities constitute a decision variable pattern variables, including the activities of the iteration sequence is a difficult variable.

3. Mechanism of choice: the progress of the program is generated using a serial mechanism.

8. Reference
• Wang Xiao-Wu (2002a), the average net present value method and the assumption that a comparative analysis of net present value method. Journal of Nanjing School of Economics. Vol. 18, No. 5; pg.122

• Wang Xiao-Wu (2002b), loanable funds feasibility evaluation of investment decisions. Business Research. Vol. 2, No. 7; pg. 26

• Cheng Chui-Yung (1999), other project analysis techniques of economics. Nanjing: Ho-hai University Press.p24-p25

• Song Feng-Ming (2002). Financial Engineering Principles --- no-arbitrage equilibrium analysis. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press. p56-p59

• Qi-Cai. (2004). R&D investment in a multi-stage real options analysis. Economic Mathematics. p122-p134

• Du Yong-yi (2004). Real Options and Financial Options comparative analysis. Business Economics press. p245-p246

• Li Feng-ying(2001). Option pricing theory and real option valuation. Statistics and decision-making, Vol. 13, No. 7; p.245

• Hu Yan-Jing (2004). Real options in R&D project investment evaluation. The East Forum, 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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