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Review of the Case study - the Edge Project-审查案例研究-边缘项目

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:学术文章 Scholarship Essay登出时间:2014-03-31编辑:caribany点击率:8483

论文字数:3072论文编号:org201403311146541397语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文

关键词:Edge Project边缘项目Detailed Planning详细规划scope and deliverables

摘要:To summarize, this paper had observed the Edge Project performance and examined its effectiveness from twelve angles of project management success factors. 总之,本文所观察到的边缘性项目,并从12个角度的项目管理成功因素研究其有效性。

Review of the Case study - the Edge Project




In this paper, 12 project management success factors will be discussed based on a case study. Through in-depth analysis of the Edge Project, along with related evidence, it will present a comprehensive observation for the essence of a successful project management. The major successful factors including 12 aspects: proper detailed planning, clear identification of objectives, scope and deliverables, incremental staged approach to undertaking the project, approval and signoff by sponsors, thorough analysis and clear requirements, sponsor and stakeholder involvement and support, top management support for the project, highly skilled project team, manageable technology involved in the project, competent project manager, clear evidence of a risk management strategy and clearly defined budget, timeframe and quality requirements. In the second part, all the factors will be respectively discussed on the basis of case study.


2.Analysis/Answer to the Question


2.1 Proper Detailed Planning


The project plan, as a provider of direction for the project, will define what activities are required to create deliverables for the executors through applying various techniques such as Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). A successful project planning identifies major tasks, work items and resources needed in the implementation of the project objectives. Moreover, a detailed plan should prepare for changes required and then leads to a logical development.


As studied by Sanvido and Paulson (1992), if the planning functions of a project was detailed performed at a right standard, the project would be more profitable and better constructed. In addition, Stukhard (1987) recommended that in order to achieve successful project management, productivity, initial cost and schedule estimates should be primarily predicted.
In this case, it can be considered as a successful approach to the initial step of planning. In the page 14, audit objectives of this project proposed for deciding whether FaCS and Centrelink revised the business plan frequently in the aspects of estimated and actual costs as well as the expected gains. Moreover, in the section "Business Case Review 2002" (page 49), it measured that in the November 1999 Business Case, milestones and management reporting points would been regularly arranged when the detailed planning came about. Finally, another point which may also illustrate the application of a precise planning in this project appears in Figure 4.1 (page 76). This referred to Business Planning and Resource Allocation Committee (BARAC) that is one of the governan论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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