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A Critical Analysis on Chinese Food Safety Issue

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2012-11-05编辑:keer点击率:7848

论文字数:34000论文编号:org201210161657474135语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66

关键词:Critical Discourse Analysisnews reportsthree-dimensionalframeworkmelamine-tainted formulaideology

摘要:The quantity of the case with indirect citing is much larger than that of the case with direct citing. At last, it reviews the political and economical relationship between China and America and reflects on its influence on the ideology and on the reports.

Chapter One Introduction

News, in newspapers, radio reports, and on the Internet, is a genreof writing which records the society, spreads information and reflects the society.News promptly reports the recent valuable happenings. Lu Dingyi proposed in 1943that news was the kind of reports on thttps://www.51lunwen.org/languagethesis/he true happenings that recently happened (Lu,1943), Now it is commonly acknowledged that news is about the important facts thatthe public wants to know and ought to know, but still has not known.In today's world, news is one of the most important channels in mass media. Eachpiece of news is expected to authentically record the truth and to be objective. Everyjournalist claims to differ from analysts or commentators, who tend to providepoints-of-view of their own. But absolute objectivity of the news report is not easy toachieve, for the newspaper report is written and edited by human beings. It isimpossible for us to retell or describe an event without the influence of their own wayof thinking. Besides, individual journalist has to succumb to financial or politicalpressure consciously or unconsciously. The news turns out to be not as objective asexpected. As one of the most popular and common public discourses, the newsdiscourse is playing an increasingly significant role in modem society. How to knowand justify the social and political role of the news discourse is worth studying.As an approach of analyzing news discourse, Critical Discourse Analysis islinguistic research on the oral and written discourse. However, it does not restrictitself to the lingual features of the discourse. It also reflects on the social andhistorical background of the discourse in order to expose the complicated relationshipamong language, power and ideology. It focuses on the way how ideology dominatesthe discourse from a critical perspective.Critical Discourse Analysis departs from linguistic analysis, and moves onto thestudy of social practice and finally tries to uncover the ideological dominance at thesocietal level. The present study will follow this path.In this chapter, general study of the news on food safety and the theoreticalbackground will be introduced firstly. Then, the research purpose and the researchsignificance, the research questions, and the organization of the study will beelaborated.

1.1 General Introduction of the Study
1.1.1 General Study of News on Food Safety
In recent years, food safety issue keeps on alarming the pubic in China and otherareas of the world. In 2004, milk powder in Fuyang, a city in Anhui province, madeseveral babies bigheaded. In 2005, the tonyred (Sudan Red) food safety problemoccurred. The producer used Sudan Red No. 1, one of the carcinogens, in the makingof spicy products to make the products look more attractive. In 2008, the mostshocking Sanlu baby formula scandal took place in China, resulting in numerousbabies ill with kidney stones and other ailments. And the hogwash oil kept appearingon people's dining table secretly. Tainted mushrooms, tainted bean sprouts, meat withproblems, ham sausage with clenbuterol or brown meat essence, the staining steambread successively became hot topics in people's daily life.In the western countries, serious food safety events also occurred occasionally,such as the "tainted spinach scandal" in 2006, the salmonella event in 2008, and thepeanut paste event in 2009 in America. Last year, the European people were on alertover 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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