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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2012-12-25编辑:hynh1021点击率:6177

论文字数:23200论文编号:org201212251427163529语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66




       Chapter One Introduction引言

  l.lThe Importance of TEFL Reading阅读的重要性
  据尼尔,j·安德森,阅读是一种至关重要的技能对于那些学会英语作为第二/外语(英语/英语);对很多人来说,阅读是最重要的技能掌握(尼尔,j·安德森,2004年,p l)。在四个基本技巧,听力和阅读作为输入According to Neil, J. Anderson, reading is an essential skill for those who leamEnglish as a second/foreign language (ESL/EFL); and for many,reading is the mostimportant skill to master (Neil, J. Anderson, 2004,p.l).Among the four basic skills,listening and reading as input,come first,whilespeaking and writing come later,as output. Only sufficient input can make proper andproductive output (communication) possible. English,as a global language, is acompulsory course from elementary schools to universities in China. https://www.51lunwen.org/reading/ In TeachingEnglish as a Foreign Language (TEFL), reading is the main means of providing mostinput for the students so as to improve their English proficiency. In addition, readingcomprehension is the main component in English examinations. Generally speaking,in the national college entrance English examination, reading accounts for at least40% of the total score. Therefore, both linguists and teachers are interested in theeffective teaching of English Reading.In a word,TEFL reading definitely plays an extremely important role in the dailyEnglish teaching and learning in China

  1.2The Requirements of English Reading Ability for Senior HighSchool Students高中学生英语阅读能力的需求
  According to The High School English Curriculum,there are four levels ofobjectives (from level 6 to level 9) for Senior High School Students,and each levelhas its specific requirements for Senior High School students in terms of languageskills,language knowledge, moral objectives, learning strategies and culturalawareness. In this paper, the author only discusses the reading skill since the researchfocuses only on reading. All the senior High School students are required to reachLevel 7 in China. The students (level 7) should be able to grasp and process the maininformation in a variety of texts. The specific requirements are as follows:(1) To understand the gist of the texts and the writing purpose of the author(2) To comprehend the textual meaning by working out the meanings of newwords from the context(3) To make inference through the clues in the context(4) To search for information through the internet or by other means(5) To read English newspaper or magazines suitable for senior students(6) To read materials of more than 230,000 words out of classApart from the familiar terms such as main idea, writing purpose, inference fromthe context, textual meaning is a new requirement for most senior high schoolstudents. The students are required to distinguish main opinions,facts and supportivedetails, to recognize the development of the main idea,to make out the logicalorganization of the main information and opinions in the text and to understand theinterrelationship between different parts. The textual competence,especiallyanalyzing logical structure of the text, is a new criterion to assess the students' readingability.

  1.3The Current Situation of TEFL Reading in Hong'an No.l MiddleSchool中学阅读的目前形势
  The author's interview with the former colleague and the survey she conductedin the Class 21 and t论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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