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会计专业留学申请英文推荐信范文 [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:推荐信 Recommendation Letter登出时间:2016-12-18编辑:cinq点击率:5880

论文字数:800论文编号:org201612181715083554语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文



cy. Furthermore, she also has the ability to absorb new knowledge conscientiously and keep communications with his colleagues. She has always made unremitting efforts to learn and to do her job until she was satisfied with the results. Besides working, she also tried her best to do some extra studies on some theoretical issues. Her solid theoretical foundation, serious and responsible attitude to work, as well as her innovative ability demonstrated in her work impressed me deeply. She was always able to put forward new solutions for problems met in the process of internship and eventually find a satisfactory solution. For instance, she has proposed to improve personalized accounting services, which effectively improved customer satisfaction. Ms Liu is also a rigorous person, for work of her internship, she has always made a gallant effort and maintained a modest and prudent attitude, during the two months of internship, I remembered clearly that she was one of the interns making the least mistakes in the process of internship, which is very important for the work that she was engaged in. In a word, I really appreciate her abilities and talent in accounting. Maybe she is not the most talented student but I can say that she is the most industrious young person I have met.
Ms Liu's skills and the ability in using English language are also impressive. She could communicate with clients and colleagues fluently in English and familiarize herself with accounting terminology, which has laid the foundations for her further education and work in international accounting firms. At the same time, Ms Liu is a kind person who is able to maintain a good relationship with colleagues. She has a good relationship with many employees and other interns in our department. In fact, after she finished her internship in our department, she still keeps a close contact with me. She often asks advice about how to be a professional accountant and discusses the future directions of career development with me. Once she has told me that she has a dream that one day she would be a good accountant. She is ready to pursue further studies of an accounting professional graduate student. Her ultimate goal is to obtain the qualifications of accountants in the United States to prepare for working in the top four accounting firms in U.S. in future.
With Ms Liu's character, her team spirit, enthusiasm and capacity, I think that she has all the essential qualities for an excellent accountant. If she could have further education and experience, she will ultimately become an outstanding accounting professional. That is why I am willing to write her this vigorous recommendation. It has been a great pleasure of mine to work with Ms Liu and I strongly support her application with my recommendation without any reservation. I sincerely hope that you could consider her application favorably. If you need any further information about her please contact me without any hesitation. 
Sincerely yours,
Manager of Finance Department
xxx BDO China Shu Lun Pan CPAs
Tel: xxxxx
E-mail: xxxxx


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