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Business Risks Analysis:Analysis of the Annual Report of Petrobas

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:报告 Report登出时间:2011-02-16编辑:anterran点击率:4201

论文字数:2829论文编号:org201102161002242738语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:$ 22

关键词:Business RisksEconomic EnvironmentAnalysisthe Annual ReportPetrobas

Analysis of the Annual Report of Petrobas
Introduction 2
5a Economic Environment 2
5b Extent and nature of FC Exposure 3
6a Major Business Risks 4
6b)  Business Risks 5
7a Country Reference 5
8a IASB 7
8b Analysis 7
Conclusion 8

The report will adhere to the Accounting standards and business risks 代写留学生论文encountered by the oil and gas industry. Herein, different aspects on how the oil and gas industry has been able to adhere to IASB and the policies that they consider to counter major risks will also be discussed.

5a Economic Environment


McInish, 2000, Capital Markets: A Global Perspective, Balckwell Publishing, United Kingdom.
Moffett, M (2007). Online available at https://www.mindfully.org/Energy/2007/Petrobras-Oil-Giant30aug07.htm. retrieve August 12, 2010

Appendix 1.1: Financial Statement: Annual Report

Company: Petrobras        Currency: United States Dollars
Period:  1st January 2009 -- 30th September, 2009 millions (’000,000)
Sales of products and services 82,388
Value-added and other taxes on sales and services (14,702)
Contribution of intervention in the economic domain charge - CIDE (2,017)
Net operating revenues 65,669
Cost of sales     (35,301)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization    (4,904)  
Exploration, including exploratory dry holes    (1,194)  
Selling, general and administrative expenses    (5,035)  
Research and development expenses   (545)
Employee benefit expense for non-active participants  (519)
Other operating expenses (2,074)
Total costs and expenses (49,572)  
Operating income 16,097 
Equity in results of non-consolidated companies    372  
Financial income (Note 11)  1,321
Financial expenses (Note 11)     (1,011)
Monetary and exchange variation (276)
Other taxes  (209)  
Other expenses, net (Note 18 (d)) (36)  
Income before income taxes 16,258 
Income taxes expense   
Current (4,042)
Deferred (322)
Net income for the period 11,894

Cash flow from operations (Cash Flow Statement)

Company: Petrobras        Currency: United States Dollars
Period:  1st January 2009 -- 30th September, 2009 millions (’000,000)
Net cash provided by operating activities 18,005
Cash flows from investing activities 
Additions to property, plant and equipment (24,349)
Marketable securities and other investments activities (1,173)
Net cash used in investing activities (25,522)
Cash flows from financing activities (209)  
Short-term debt, net issuances and repayments (738)
Net cash provide by (used in) financing activities  14,624

Appendix 1.2: Balance sheet assets (include any FS note references)

Company: Petrobras        Currency: United States Dollars
Period:  1st January 2009 -- 30th September, 2009 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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