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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2017-06-07编辑:lgg点击率:5145

论文字数:38547论文编号:org201706061819508768语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Research Background
In the past few decades, the education field turned its eyes from the search for perfect foreignlanguage teaching methods to the recognition of the complexity of the foreign language teaching andlearning process (Yesilbursa, 2011). For the sake of this change, “reflection have been identified as astandard toward which all teachers and students must strive” (Rodgers, 2002) and as we all known,teachers’ professional development comes from their teaching experience, their critical thinking andcritical reflection. The teachers’ reflection is considered as a crucial part of professional practice andprofessional growth (Zeicher&Liston, 1987), and it has lately been highly encouraged in teachers’ trainingand education programs. Critical thinking and reflective thinking make a bridge between teaching theoryand teaching practice, which let teachers are able to make logical decisions concerning the educationalissues, then assess the possible consequences of these decisions which may cause a positive change inteachers’ future teaching practice. The benefits of critical thinking and reflective practice have inspiredadult teachers to develop effective reflective activities in their teaching practice. Those teachers whoreflect more on their teaching practice, would with more positive teaching beliefs in their teachingpractice.In 1978, the America adult educationist, Jack Mezirow, first defined the concept of TransformativeLearning Theory (TLT), which emerged within the field of adult education. It is an important theory forunderstanding how adults learn from their former experience and then transform that to their newexperience. It has attracted many researchers and practitioners did research on theoretical perspective andpractice settings since 1980s. After over 30 years’ study by Mezirow, Freire, Dirkx, Daloz, Cranton andMerrian, etc., now it has become a significantly important research topic and research theory that canpromote the development of adult educational practice and educational reform. Besides, it can be a theoryfor explaining the process of teachers’ reflection and teachers’ beliefs in their teaching practice.

1.2 Significance of the Study
Reflective teaching practice is regarded as a means through which teachers can develop a greaterlevel of self-awareness about the nature, objectives, significance and impact of their teaching performance.Reflective awareness, as a self-reflective process, occurs when teachers critically think and reflect on theirteaching experiences, teaching perceptions, teaching methods and skills, as well as the interactions withother colleagues for their professional practice. Such reflective awareness would create opportunities forteachers’ professional development, affect teachers’ teaching beliefs, classroom management and theirteaching practice; consequently, it would affect students’ achievement. Critical reflection can start at avery early stage at teachers’ profession and can continue till retirement, which means not only noviceteachers but experienced teachers should have constant development as well. For the sake of a feeling ofboredom, or loss of motivation for teaching, the experienced teachers need critical thinking and criticalreflection to facilitate their professional development. As a result, such reflective practice can encourageteachers to deliberately consider their dilemma, solve the 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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