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美国Electrical Engineering专业优秀硕士毕业论文展示样板 Oscillator Phase Noise Reduction Using Nonlinear Design Techniques

论文作者:英语论文网论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2012-08-18编辑:Sam xu点击率:9638

论文字数:12000论文编号:org201208182313072170语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:$ 88

关键词:美国硕士毕业论文NonlinearOscillatorPhase noise

摘要:本文主要从Nonlinear Design Techniques分析,由代写美国留学生论文中心策划组提供。是英文语种、Electrical Engineering研究方向、不需要数据处理的硕士毕业论文,不需要盲审(博士或硕士生有这个需要),如有需求请联系本站论文购买中心或者提交相关文章的代写需求。


Chapter 1

An improved understanding of oscillator phase noise is needed for the improvement of oscillator
performance.  Such an understanding will help future electrical engineers cope with the expected
dramatic rise in the amount of wireless communication traffic (Baberg, 2000; Kouznetsov &
Meyer, 2000).  As demands on the capacity of a system grow, more users will be required to fit in
a given bandwidth.  To accomplish this, the bandwidth of each user must be decreased.  Oscillator
phase noise, however, contributes to an increase of the bandwidth of each user, therefore limiting
the number of users in a given frequency band (Robins, 1982).
Oscillators are a vital part of any radio-frequency (RF) hardware.  They are necessary for
frequency synthesis, operation of phase-locked loops, and mixing, and typically several oscillators
exist in any given receiver or transmitter.  Phase noise of each oscillator in a system is additive
and has negative effects on frequency stability, bit-error rate (BER) and adjacent channel signals
(Robins, 1982; Siweris, 1985).
The roots of phase noise lie in the noise sources of the transistor (or other active device) used
in the oscillator.  Shot noise, burst noise, partition noise, thermal noise and
 noise are the major transistor noise sources. All of these noise sources, except thermal noise, exist only when
current is flowing in the device and can be controlled to some extent by controlling the current
duty cycle.  The basic process creating oscillations is by feedback using a resonant circuit with
period current pulses charging the tuned circuit.  Between charging pulses, the transistor conducts
zero current and is considered 'off.'  Phase noise is produced depending on the shape of the
current pulse when the transistor is 'on.'  If the current is a relatively narrow pulse, existing for
very short time, there will be less phase noise produced than with a wider and longer pulse.  From
the engineer's perspective, the narrow pulse provides less contribution to creating time shifts in
the energy storage when lined up with the output waveform peak. Making the designer's job
easier is that only pulse width need be considered in design because the feedback process
automatically synchronizes the current pulse with the output waveform peak.  The pulse width
can be designed into an oscillator using nonlinear design techniques, thus gaining control over
transistor noise sources affecting phase noise.
Using nonlinear design methods based on the circuit principles in the text Communication
Circuits: Analysis and Design by Kenneth K. Clarke and Donald T. Hess (1971), it is possible to
control the current pulse width in the oscillator transistor.  Pulse-width control is accomplished by
varying the drive voltage of an active device.  Other benefits of designs based on the principles of
Clarke and Hess include the ability to set harmonic levels, output power, and oscillation frequency
with reasonable precision..
To examine the relationship between phase noise and current pulse width, Hewlett-Packard
Advanced Design System (ADS) so论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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