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Marketing Plan in Gansu Tianshui Benma Brewery

论文作者:英语论文网论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2012-09-22编辑:tinkle点击率:3344

论文字数:4007论文编号:org201209221015098302语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:$ 22

关键词:Marketing PlanGansu TianshuiBenma Brewery

摘要:Marketing Plan in Gansu Tianshui Benma Brewery:天水奔马啤酒有限公司在天水市,中国的国有企业。

论文题目:strategic Marketing


Marketing Plan in Gansu Tianshui Benma Brewery


Tianshui Benma Brewery Co., Ltd. was a state-owned https://www.51lunwen.org/strategy/ enterprise in Tianshui City, China. The company’s registered capital was 993.2 thousand yuan, the total assets were 3.25491 million yuan, the net assets were 8.0028 million yuan, and the net profit in 2004 was 216,200 yuan. Currently, the company has 400 employees, and the annual production capacity reached 40,000 tons of beer. If increasing investment in a packaging production line, the annual production capacity could be up to 50,000 tons (Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs, 2009).

1. Analysis of consumer buying behavior
1.1 Analysis of consumer buying behavior in beer industry
1.2 Analysis of purchase motivation
2. SWOT analysis of Benma beer
2.1 Strengths
2.2 Weaknesses
2.3 Opportunities
2.4 Threats
3. STP strategy
3.1 Market segmentation
3.2 Target market
3.3 Market positioning
4. Marketing mix strategies
4.1 Product strategy
4.2 Brand strategy
4.3 Price strategy
4.4 Place strategy
4.5 Promotion strategy

5. Conclusion

From the above analysis, it concludes that Benma Company’s competitive strategy is to take the market leader strategy, the low price as a weapon to defend existing market share, and increase market share. Benma Company's target market is the Tianshui City and the regional markets in surrounding areas. Its products’ market positioning is local, high-quality, low-cost beer. And its marketing strategies include: product strategy portfolio and brand strategy: the "Benma" series are taken as the main brands, at the same time, launched the "Maiji Yanyu" series of draft beer. Price strategy: in the case of ensuring quality, adhere to the usual practice of minimum price in the local. Place strategy: take the factory direct sales channel in urban, five counties and the surrounding areas adopt the depth distribution channel approach. In the aspect of promotion strategy, must have a greater change in concept, inputs, tools, ideas and so on.



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Beer Industry in China (2010) [online], available at:  [Accessed: August 14, 2011]

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Forney, M. (2004). Trouble Brewing [online], available at:  [Accessed: August 14, 2011]

Heracleous, L. (2001). When local beat global: the Chinese beer industry. Business Strategy Review, 12(3), 37-45.

Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs (2009). Notes and Conclusions of the Third Party Audit of Gansu Tianshui Benma Brewery [online], available at: [Accessed: August 14, 2011]

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