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英国战略管理作业A Report on the Possible Impact of Minimum Wage and Standard Working Hours’ Legislation on Fast Food Restaurant Chains in Hong Kong and their Strategies for Survival

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:课程作业 Coursework登出时间:2013-08-12编辑:tinkle点击率:4168

论文字数:3457论文编号:org201308111651513481语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:$ 33

关键词:英国战略管理作业Minimum WageStandard Working Hours

摘要:英国战略管理作业A Report on the Possible Impact of Minimum Wage and Standard Working Hours’ Legislation on Fast Food Restaurant Chains in Hong Kong and their Strategies for Survival对最低工资标准工作时间的立法上的快餐店在香港和他们的生存策略可能产生的影响的报告

论文题目:英国战略管理作业A Report on the Possible Impact of Minimum Wage and Standard Working Hours’ Legislation on Fast Food Restaurant Chains in Hong Kong and their Strategies for Survival

您的研究方向:Managerial Economics
补充要求和说明:請參考附件內的兩個檔案: M5_Assignment_Template_English.zip

英国战略管理作业A Report on the Possible Impact of Minimum Wage and Standard Working Hours’ Legislation on Fast Food Restaurant Chains in Hong Kong and their Strategies for Survival

1   Introduction 

After the minimum wage level of HK$28 an hour in May 2011 is increased to HK$30 in November 2012 by the Minimum Wage Commission, many community leaders call on the government for the legist ration of standard working hours. The increase of the minimum wage level and the legist ration of standard working hours are supposed to help low-paid workers meet their family expenses, better protect their health and improve their family and social life. However, one coin has two sides. It’s really not good news for employers of small-medium enterprises especially the catering industries. For them, the increase of minimum wage level has increased their cost of labor and the introduction of standard working hours would undermine the flexibility of the labor market and the competitiveness of Hong Kong. In this report, we are going to explore the impacts of minimum wage and standard working hours on the fast food restaurant chain company and how they deal with this problem. To achieve this objective, first some previous researches on the legist ration of minimum wage level and standard working hours are reviewed and the industry background is simply introduced. Then three research questions are asked including the market structure of the fast food restaurant chains industry in HK, the impacts o minimum wage and standard working hours on the cost structure of them and whether the employers will have prices rise or operate shorter business hours. As a pragmatic and question-centered study, the research is designed with the qualitative approach. And the results will be thoroughly discussed and analyzed. At last, our research will be concluded and recommended.

2  Literature Review and Industry Background
3. Methodology
4. Discussion and analysis
5. Conclusion and recommendation


1. Aizenman, J. & Agenor, R. P., 1997, Technological Change, Relative Wages, and Unemployment. European Economic Review, 41:2

2. Arcidiacono, P. & Ahn, T., 2004, Paying to Queue: A Theory of Locational Differences in Nonunion Wages. Journal of Urban Economics, Vol 55, No.3

3. Brown, D. & Crossman, A., 2003. Employer strategies in the face of a national minimum wage: an analysis of the hotel sector. Industrial Relations Journal, Vol.31 Issue 3

4. Cubitt, P. R. & Hargreaves P. S., 1996, Minimum wage legislation, investment and human capital. University of East Anglia, Economics Research Centre

5. Card, D. & Krueger, B. A., 1995, The Effects of Increases in the Minimum Wage. The University of Vermont.

6. Fougere, D., Gautier, E. & Bihan, L. H., 2010, Restaurant prices and the minimum wage. Journal of Money, Credi论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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